Texas cop fires gun into wall in anger after server tells him to stop groping her

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015

Temple Police Officer Kenneth Lee Sheka (Facebook)

A Texas police officer was arrested this week after he allegedly fired his gun into a wall in anger because a server rejected his sexual advances.

According to a press release from the El Paso Police Department, Temple Police Officer Kenneth Lee Sheka, 28, was attending a law enforcement convention on Tuesday and engaged in a conversation with a server in the hospitality area of Chase Suites Hotel.

“Their conversation became inappropriate when SHEKA began making comments of a sexual nature and ultimately touched the female inappropriately as she walked past him,” the statement said. “The female told him not to do that again and continued to walk away, escorted by another male, when SHEKA pulled out a pistol and fired one round into a nearby wall.”

El Paso Police Sgt. Enrique Carrillo told the Temple Daily Telegram that Sheka was quickly subdued after making “crude remarks,” and firing his weapon.

“It was full of officers,” Carrillo recalled. “Our officers were at the event and responded immediately.”

Sheka was arrested by El Paso Police on one count of Deadly Conduct/Discharge of Firearm.

Temple Police Department spokesperson Christopher M. Wilcox pointed out that the officer could also face disciplinary actions.

“We expect our officers to adhere to our code of conduct,” Wilcox explained. “We expect our officers to be professional and courteous, on or off duty, whether they’re in uniform or not.”


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
There is ZERO reason he shouldn't be fired and in jail. Assholes like this give the good ones a bad name. FOP or local union will probably protect him. I guarantee his mgmt wants him gone.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
if someone who wasn't a cop ,brandished a firearm menacingly,fired a gun in a crowded hotel,groped a female he would be facing felonies.

Hired Gun

If You Only Knew What I Dooooo
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I'm a gun owner and have a Concealed Weapon License for sever states. I also carry for my line of work. It is my responsibility to handle any and all firearms in my possession with the utmost responsibility. If I do not then I should not be allowed to have one in my possession. I also should lose my right to carry one and use one for work.

What this officer did is unacceptable. He should be held to a higher degree of responsibility due to his job. Making piss poor decisions should cause him to lose that job as there is no second chances when it comes to firearms. People lose lives every day from people doing stupid shit with firearms. God knows I have seen the after effect ten fold when I was a medic.

He should lose his job, he should lose any future right to have a firearm and he should be charged with endangering the public for discharging that firearm in a ublic area.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
Cy isn't in here right? I'm about to go all "Pitbull" with my story :smirk:

I just moved to Florissant Mo, don't see any protesters tho I think they're on the other side. Anyway my cousin evicted her nephew but he refused to leave. After the 2nd night of arguing and bullshit I told her to just call the police and have his bitch ass removed. She did and I politely left before the police came lol felt bad for leaving her and came back.

The white cop was lecturing the bitchmade nephew when I parked. I sat on the porch next to my cousin and the police officer came up. He was talking to her, explaining that he was booting the bitchass dude. He looked at me and stopped talking.

He was FIIIIIIIONE lawdy. Pale as shit but tall and bald with these bright blue eyes. He introduced himself, I did not of course lmfao. Anywho he kept macking and I kept receiving.

The evicted pussy started getting rowdy in the background interrupting our shit. Officer Gonna Get Fucked went over, said something to him and he sat his bitch ass on the curb sulking.

Anyway, Officer Fine Ass Mother Fucker let drop his upcoming shifts and asked my cousin to call to schedule a supervised time for cunty to get his shit.

I'm going to mosey on over during that. Tittays propped up. Help out Florissant race relations. One dick at a time. We ain't doing none of that doggy or ass spanking/Afro pulling shit. Wouldn't be right. He needs to make reparations to my people thru my vagina.
Feb 28, 2015
Just curious on this one but have you ever handled and fired a gun?
A few times when I was a teen. I lived in the country so, you know, country things. Haven't in over 20 years at least. Can't even be near one without almost having a panic attack. A friend from hs just moved back here, he's a US Marshall, thought about asking him to teach me. Still don't want one. But at least I may not be so scared around them. I'll still mostly be mostly scared of all the randoms that carry guns around here, they're nutters.

Hired Gun

If You Only Knew What I Dooooo
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
That's why I was asking. People that are usually scared of firearms have never been around them. Mayber we could start you off with a water gun or one of those Nerf ones and move on from there?
Feb 28, 2015
That's why I was asking. People that are usually scared of firearms have never been around them. Mayber we could start you off with a water gun or one of those Nerf ones and move on from there?
Sort of the other way around, I've been around one too many nutjobs with guns hence why I'm more scared of the people that carry them than the guns themselves. I just don't trust ANYONE with a gun anymore.

Hired Gun

If You Only Knew What I Dooooo
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Not even Old HG? I'm only half nutjob half Norwegian
Feb 28, 2015
Not even Old HG? I'm only half nutjob half Norwegian
It's more about not trusting how they'll react when something makes them go to their gun. A very tiny percentage of the population that has weapons actually has enough experience having had to use a weapon in enough situations where they had to rely on their instincts and make the appropriate safe choice, etc to where they can be trusted to do so repeatedly. Like hunters for example, like folks walking around town with open carry permits and the like, they don't have that experience. Hell, I'd guess that even most law enforcement officers haven't even had that kind of experience so the every day guy walking around Chipotle with his Don't Tread on Me confederate flag sweatshirt and holstered pistol? NAH, I'm not trusting him with the hot sauce let alone a gun.
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Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
I've been to a lot of places and Texas was the worst out of all. For many, many reasons.

Stay away. Far away