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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Santorum: Trump's decision to side with Kim on Otto Warmbier was 'reprehensible'
President Donald Trump's decision not to hold North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un responsible for Otto Warmbier's death was "reprehensible," former Republican Sen. Rick Santorum said Thursday.
"This is the conundrum of Donald Trump for many of us who like his policies and don't like a lot of the things he does and says," Santorum said of the decision to CNN's John Berman on "New Day."
"But, this is reprehensible, what he just did. He gave cover, as you said, to a leader who knew very well what was going on with Otto Warmbier," Santorum, who is a CNN political commentator, said. "And again, I don't understand why the President does this. I am disappointed, to say the least, that he did it."
Otto Warmbier: Trump defends Kim over US student's death
US President Donald Trump has defended North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in the case of an American college student who died after being jailed by North Korea.

Speaking in Hanoi after his summit with Mr Kim broke down, Mr Trump said he did not believe the North Korean leader was aware of Otto Warmbier's ordeal.

Mr Trump said: "He tells me he didn't know about it, and I will take him at his word."

Warmbier was jailed in North Korea in December 2015 during an organised tour.

Pyongyang authorities returned the 22-year-old to the US in a coma in July 2017, and he died days later in his hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio.

His case raised tensions at a time when the Trump administration was exchanging vitriolic comments with North Korea.

Mr Trump told reporters he had mentioned the Warmbier case to Mr Kim and the North Korean leader said he was not aware of it at the time, and was regretful.



First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Oh look - a Trudeau post in a Trump thread.....
Go post in the Canada thread, dummkopf.
Who owns this site again? Who made you the decider of what gets posted? You dont even get to decide what pants to wear to school. When you get old enough to move out of your mothers basement you will realize thatname calling will just get you ignored and put back at the kids table at thanksgiving. Shit I just realized that you just suck at life and HAVE to live in her basement. Are you seriously white knighting for another country now? Wahhh somebody posted something I didnt like... Back on ignore for you troll. Notice that you didnt comment on the dems being racist again and again and again.... When Trump wins AGAIN what will you cry about then?


Nov 15, 2015
Who owns this site again? Who made you the decider of what gets posted? You dont even get to decide what pants to wear to school. When you get old enough to move out of your mothers basement you will realize thatname calling will just get you ignored and put back at the kids table at thanksgiving. Shit I just realized that you just suck at life and HAVE to live in her basement. Are you seriously white knighting for another country now? Wahhh somebody posted something I didnt like... Back on ignore for you troll. Notice that you didnt comment on the dems being racist again and again and again.... When Trump wins AGAIN what will you cry about then?

But why you mad tho, momo?


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
what is going on with trudeau right now is worse than anything trump has ever would be the equivalent of trump firing mueller and appointing someone who will play ball to drop the investigation while putting a gag order on mueller so he cant tell anyone. our media has barely been reporting on it until the last few days when it has become to big to hide. cbc is orange man bad all day while ignoring the important issues back home


Dec 15, 2018
what is going on with trudeau right now is worse than anything trump has ever would be the equivalent of trump firing mueller and appointing someone who will play ball to drop the investigation while putting a gag order on mueller so he cant tell anyone. our media has barely been reporting on it until the last few days when it has become to big to hide. cbc is orange man bad all day while ignoring the important issues back home
LoL @ Trudeau


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
what is going on with trudeau right now is worse than anything trump has ever would be the equivalent of trump firing mueller and appointing someone who will play ball to drop the investigation while putting a gag order on mueller so he cant tell anyone. our media has barely been reporting on it until the last few days when it has become to big to hide. cbc is orange man bad all day while ignoring the important issues back home
This is partially why I post some of these. Its NOT to bash Canada, its to point out to some that Trump isnt a saint (none of us are) but he aint the devil either. Hes a wheelin and dealin president and I mean that in the best way. I liken it to people who bitch about their own country but have never traveled oitside of it or get their world views from what the media (social and regular) tells them.


Nov 15, 2015
"Camerota asked Johnston what Americans can expect when Trump’s tax returns are made public—and the author responded that “one of the things that we’re going to see is that his adjusted gross income” in “some recent years” was “less than $500,000. We know that because he got something in New York called the star property tax credit on his principal home, which is in Trump Tower. You only get that if your adjusted gross income is less $500,000.”"



Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
our media has barely been reporting on it until the last few days when it has become to big to hide. cbc is orange man bad all day while ignoring the important issues back home
Do you live under a rock?

That shit has been all over news media for weeks. Liberals have been taking a shit kicking over it.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
So how about that nobel peace prize nomination, still a contender?

Is North Korea still not a threat?

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Republican lawmakers ask Justice Department to investigate Michael Cohen for perjury
Two of President Donald Trump's closest allies on the House Oversight Committee referred Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to the Justice Department Thursday for possible criminal prosecution, claiming to have evidence that Cohen "committed perjury and knowingly made false statements" to lawmakers during his day-long testimony Wednesday.
The criminal referral -- sent by Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the Oversight Committee, and North Carolina Republican Rep. Mark Meadows -- outlined several areas of testimony they urged the Justice Department to investigate, including Cohen's claims Wednesday that he did not seek a job in the Trump White House, his denial of committing bank fraud, as well as his assertion that he did not have any reportable contracts with foreign entities.
"I was extremely proud to be the personal attorney for the President of the United States of America," Cohen told lawmakers Wednesday. "I did not want to go to the White House."
Yet Republicans have pointed to court filings from prosecutors in the Southern District of New York that stated Cohen "privately told friends and colleagues, including in seized text messages, that he expected to be given a prominent role and title in the new administration" -- an assertion Cohen said Wednesday was "inaccurate."

"Mr. Cohen's testimony is material to the Committee's assessment of Mr. Cohen's motive to monetize his former association with President Trump," Jordan and Meadows wrote to the Justice Department on Thursday. "It is essential that the Department of Justice investigate these remarkable contradictions between Mr. Cohen, the SDNY prosecutors, and the public accounts of witnesses with firsthand information."
A spokesperson for the Justice Department said it is reviewing the referral.
Lanny Davis, Cohen's attorney, called it "a sad misuse of the criminal justice system with the aura of pure partisanship."
"Mr. Cohen testified truthfully before the House Oversight Committee. He took full responsibility for his guilty pleas. He also backed up much of his testimony with documents. It may not be surprising that two pro-Trump Committee members known have a baseless criminal referral," Davis said in a statement Thursday.
Meanwhile, some Democrats have suggested that the claim Cohen perjured himself is misguided.
House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings, a Maryland Democrat, told reporters he believes Cohen's claim he didn't want to work at the White House.
"I don't have any knowledge of that. He said he wasn't (lobbying for a job) and I believe him," Cummings said. "I mean, think about it. He could make a helluva lot more money, a helluva lot more money, outside the White House than in the White House. I mean, I don't know why you would want to do that."
Rep. Jamie Raskin, also a Maryland Democrat, told CNN's Kate Bolduan on "At this Hour" Thursday morning that the line of questioning from his Republican colleagues was an "irrelevant distraction" and "everything (Cohen) said was perfectly internally consistent and coherent."
Sources have told CNN, however, that Cohen was angling for a job in the White House, but was sidelined by members of Trump's family.

One person described Cohen as having become "disenfranchised" in the early months of the Trump administration -- but that he nevertheless continued to portray himself as Trump's go-to guy. The President also suggested Cohen join the White House counsel's office, but former White House counsel Don McGahn said Cohen didn't have the necessary experience and background to work there, and Trump dropped it.
Jordan and Meadows also claim that Cohen's testimony that he "never defrauded any bank" was "intentionally false" given that Manhattan prosecutors "specifically referred to Mr. Cohen's crimes of making false statements to financial institutions as 'bank fraud'" in a footnote of his plea agreement.
Cohen pleaded guilty to making false statements to a financial institution, however, not bank fraud, and prosecutors have not alleged that any bank lost money.
The GOP lawmakers additionally accused Cohen of lying about his contacts with foreign entities, a point highlighted by Meadows at Wednesday's hearing. Cohen said he would review the form and amend it if necessary.
This story has been updated with additional developments Thursday.
CORRECTION: This story has been updated to correct a quote from President Donald Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen regarding whether he sought a job in the Trump administration. This story has also been updated to state that Reps. Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan are members of the House Oversight Committee.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
House Oversight to pursue interviews with Trump family members, close associates
House Oversight Chair Elijah Cummings on Thursday outlined plans for his committee to seek interviews with close Trump associates and family members following a blockbuster public hearing featuring President Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen.
Cummings told CNN that five or six House committees will investigate all the allegations that emerged from Cohen's testimony.
Asked if his committee would focus on Trump's role in the hush-money scandal, the Maryland Democrat said: "Probably."
Cummings told reporters that his committee will reach out to individuals named repeatedly during Wednesday's hearing for interviews, saying his panel will comb through the transcript of the hours-long hearing to "figure out who we want to talk to and we'll bring them in."

"All you have to do is follow the transcript. If there were names that were mentioned or records that were mentioned during the hearing, we're going to take a look at all of that," Cummings told reporters when asked who the committee expects to follow up with. "We'll go through, we'll figure out who we want to talk to and we'll bring them in."
A list of names drawn from people mentioned during the hearing could encompass a range of individuals, including members of the President's inner circle and family such as his daughter Ivanka Trump and son Donald Trump Jr. as well as Allen Weisselberg, a top Trump Organization official and the company's longtime chief financial officer.
The House Intelligence Committee is also expressing an interest in Weisselberg. A committee aide told CNN the panel "anticipates" bringing in Weisselberg.
House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, also announced on Thursday that his committee will hold an open hearing on March 14 with Felix Sater, the Russian-born onetime business associate of Trump's who worked to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Asked on Thursday if his committee is interested in speaking with members of the Trump family such as Ivanka and Don Jr., Cummings replied, "Just follow the transcript."
"I'm going to follow the facts and then whatever comes out of it, fine," Cummings said. "But what we're about is just making sure that government is accountable, and this administration, this branch is accountable," the House Oversight and Reform Committee chairman said.
When a reporter asked if the committee plans to seek information from anyone mentioned multiple times during the hearing, Cummings said, "They have a good chance of hearing from us ... at least an interview."


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
The U.S. economy grew 2.9% in 2018
U.S. gross domestic product grew at a 2.6% annual rate in the final quarter of last year, bringing 2018’s annual growth to 2.9%, the Commerce Department said on Thursday.

Why it matters: That's just shy of the 3% growth the Trump administration has touted. The shutdown-delayed GDP report marks a deceleration from the 3.4% growth rate seen in the third quarter. The BEA estimates that the shutdown — which was mostly in January, rather than in the fourth quarter — "subtracted about 0.1 percentage point from real GDP growth in the fourth quarter."