Here, we can all become PS friends
Simply post your PSN and three games you like, in order for people to find others that may have similar interests. I'll do my best to update the data daily.
Search out the community to keep up with everyone!
--On PS4 add me or anyone already in the community, Go To Friends > Communities > Discover Communities > Friends' Community. You should see the community listed in there, then just join. For now, it's set to concentrate on BO3, but that will change with whatever "flavor of the month" game everyone is playing. I'll do my best to make sure I login daily to accept join requests.
I'll keep the OP updated with everyone's PSN handles and the Top 3 most popular games among us.
STREAMERS! Add your twitch info and I'll put a stream badge to show when you're online
PSN (Forum Name / PSN Handle)
the_b00ts' Twitch Stream
Simply post your PSN and three games you like, in order for people to find others that may have similar interests. I'll do my best to update the data daily.
Search out the community to keep up with everyone!
--On PS4 add me or anyone already in the community, Go To Friends > Communities > Discover Communities > Friends' Community. You should see the community listed in there, then just join. For now, it's set to concentrate on BO3, but that will change with whatever "flavor of the month" game everyone is playing. I'll do my best to make sure I login daily to accept join requests.
I'll keep the OP updated with everyone's PSN handles and the Top 3 most popular games among us.
STREAMERS! Add your twitch info and I'll put a stream badge to show when you're online
PSN (Forum Name / PSN Handle)
- the_b00ts - the_b00ts161 (Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 || Star Wars: Battlefront || Watch Dogs)
- jodinho - jodinho1979 (Star Wars: Battlefront || GTA V || The Witcher 3)
- Vicious Hellbows - Calikush-MMA (EA UFC || GTA V || FIFA 16)
- DontBeBlueBeABelieber - khunnoi (GTA V || The Witcher 3 || Fallout 4)
- MRobinson - Worse_person83 (Destiny)
- Passive Jay - braineater007 (Rocksmith 2014 || Netflix and Chill)
- Bugg Bagginz - Brucewillis69 (Fallout 4 || MGV || Destiny)
the_b00ts' Twitch Stream
#Updated PSN handle and game list. Added embedded streams.
#Tidied up formatting, added bar graph, added streambadges
#Added users
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