Personal This pizza looks fucking awful

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Posting Machine
Nov 14, 2015
Trying too hard to be different. Guaranteed it's in a gentrified neighborhood and that "pizza" is $37.99. you can totally tell it's gourmet because they use scissors! Look at that asshole struggle to cut it when he could just use a pizza cutter. Fuck you Wild @Wild


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
It's food rage bait, it's the latest trend with influencers and restaurants that are more concerned with social media than actually focusing on good food and service.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
1.The crust is 100 percent burnt and the texture looks awful.
2. Cheese looks cheap and not melted
3. Those toppings look uncooked and skimpy they used very little toppings.

4.the pizza looks dry with very little sauce if any sauce at all.

5.this is the worst pizza ever made.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Fuck me. I like to think there's no such thing as bad pizza, and figured whatever was inside that dome was going to be perfectly edible, but what the FUCK was that? Cheesy vanilla pudding soup wrapped in potato skins?


Dec 15, 2018
I thought this was going to be another passive jay thread about dominos.
My God that drawing a user made of him complaining about his Dominos pizza lol. All I remember is him in a retarded suit saying "You call this a pizza?" :tearsofjoy:

You know what's worse than that "pizza?" The fucking "music" they used for that video. 🤮
That's a sped up song by one of the BTS guys. Gay as hell for sure...


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
the fuckin thing looks moldy but there are probably snooty fags lining up to buy these things just so they can post on instagram how delicious this 47 dollar piece of shite is . idk why they have to fuck with pizza so bad . there are enough ways to make a traditional pizza already . they dont have to go full retard with all the faggy toppings and cauliflower crusts .


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
No one has ever gone broke underestimating the stupidity of the average American. Then again, he makes bank stuffing his gullet and talking about it, and me... well, I try not to dwell on it too much before the urge to give head to a 12-gauge gets too strong.
There is a market for 1 bite taco reviews bro, I'll take my 15% cut now for the idea.