Tipafighter Feedback Q&A by Bellator's Bubba Jenkins

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Bubba's bio from his personal website: The Official Website of Bubba Jenkins | Relentless MMA Fighter

Bubba Jenkins is one of the fastest-rising stars in all of mixed martial arts (MMA). He is an athletic talent that brings combat sports awareness into professional fighting. This young athlete has become known in the MMA world for his relentless wrestling style and unstoppable submissions. He currently trains at American Top Team in Coconut Creek, FL. Jenkins has been a highly sought-after talent since announcing he would train full-time in MMA. With his work ethic and growing repertoire in the martial arts, that goal is being realized.

He loves wrestling and likes to tell one of his most memorable wrestling moments…”One of the greatest persons I’ve ever wrestled with is Joe Paterno! Yes, it happened. It occurred during my recruiting visit to Penn State. Here’s how: I went to shake his hand; he hit me with a high crotch and I had to sprawl!! When I was coming back to my feet…he gave in…and said, “Ok…I think he’ll do alright here!” It was one of the many great moments I’ve experienced because of wrestling.”

Jenkins stepped into MMA after an extraordinary collegiate wrestling career that saw him win in his senior year at Arizona State the 2011 NCAA title at 157 lbs. in grand fashion! Although he had won 14 National Championships, since the age of nine, his last one is the one he dreamt of the most…the NCAA CHAMPIONSHIPS (OF THE WORLD)…we added of the World…because that is how he felt after winning it…on top of the world!! Rightly so and well deserved!

After his true freshman year, Jenkins showed a complete wrestling arsenal, by earning a gold medal in the 2008 Jr. World Olympic Championships in Beijing, China…against all odds. No one believed he could do it, no one believed he would do it, and no one had recently done it! The reason he believes that he excels during adverse times is that he realizes...if God before (or as he likes to put it – "be for") you…no one can be against you and prevail. He says, “I measure my success by the goals I set for myself…not by goals set for me by anyone else (…one exception…my mother, of course…HaHa). If I aim for goals, and I give a sincere and focused effort…and I somehow don’t achieve them…then I will be alright because I gave it my very best. Wrestling may not be your thing…that’s ok…just make sure you have a thing to get after!”

He began his true sophomore college year in 2008 and that year became Penn State’s NCAA's 149 lbs. runner-up. It has arguably been called the deepest weight class in NCAA history...it had multiple returning AAs and eventual NCAA Champions. Although Jenkins was injured throughout college, he still amassed a total win record of 96 matches in his storied collegiate career at Penn State and Arizona State, two of the most historic programs in wrestling.

He states, “Fortunately for me, not only has my relatives been supportive, but God has planted some people in my life, who are not in the “bloodline”…for these people I am eternally grateful! There really are too many to name but I will hope that they know who they are and that I know that they have helped me along the way. Nevertheless, I must mention four of them by name…The remarkable Bruce Pearl, the unconquerable Corey Williams, the eclectic Kevin Martingayle, and the indomitable John Davis! These four entered at different times in my life but always at the right time and when I needed them the most. Although, there have been others, these four have gone above and beyond to sustain me through the ups and downs in my life. I know that I can count on them and I hope that they know that they can count on me to make them proud and to never forget them.”

Bubba's Mom, Teresa, is his biggest fan and supporter! His "pops" Carmelo is second to none in his support, "fan-dom" and love. Bubba has three siblings, an older sister, Unique and two adopted brothers...one older, Eric and one younger, Ethan...they cheer him on the loudest!!


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
I think Bubba Jenkins @Bubba Jenkins may want to share more details about this as well.

Bubba Jenkins 'working on something,' to help solve MMA sponsorship woes

Along with his MMA career, Jenkins also spoke about the recent changes fighters are seeing in PED punishments. Alexander Shlemenko was recently handed a 3-year suspension for a first time offense and Mike Richmond a two year suspension. Both Bellator fighters.

"I think the new regulations are great, man. I don't have a problem with them. I think to have such hard consequences, big penalties and consequences for something like that, I think it's good for the game. We're not like the baseball league where nothing really happens to you and you come back and you can be the A-Rod of the sport. I think that having the really big consequences for your actions as far as making mistakes and taking the wrong stuff, I think that it's fair and it cleans up the game. Nobody wants to get in there with someone who's not doing the right things as far as their medication and things, because in our sport you can seriously get hurt. It's not like other sports where he hits the home run. If you get into the cage and you're all juiced up on stuff and the guy's not ready to deal with someone like that, then he can seriously get hurt. He's trying to feed his family and I don't think that's fair."

And with the UFC's Reebok deal going into place at the end of this month, Jenkins seems to be going an extra step further than most fighters to avoid getting caught out by a lack of sponsors somewhere down the line. He wouldn't go into detail with exactly what his plan is, but it sounds like he's taking a very aggressive stance toward finding other revenue streams in conjunction with his fighting career and outside the traditional lines of coaching and sponsorship money.

Here's what he had to say about how important sponsors are for him and how he's trying to improve that:

"It's a real big part. That's how most fighters make their bread, that's how they feed their family, that's the way that everyone's going. I'm working on something right now, with a couple people, a couple partners I have in Dubai, which would really help fix that situation. Maybe at a later date, once we get everythign regulized and situated, I can call you guys up and give you a real detailed conversation about how it's gonna go and how things are with what I have going on. Because, I really think that it would help most fighters and help the MMA world see that you don't always have to go the Reebok way. You could actually make a little money on the side doing different things that can help you."

LINK: Bubba Jenkins 'working on something,' to help solve MMA sponsorship woes - Bloody Elbow

check it

kids need ninja shit too
Jul 23, 2015
hey bubba. is this about tipafighter.com?
anthony birchak was trying to explaining the premise to me. curious to hear more about it if that's what this article is referencing.
for the record, i do think fighters are grossly underpaid for the work they put in....especially when i think about how much money the ufc must be racking up. and whichever other mma organization.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
"It's a real big part. That's how most fighters make their bread, that's how they feed their family, that's the way that everyone's going. I'm working on something right now, with a couple people, a couple partners I have in Dubai, which would really help fix that situation. Maybe at a later date, once we get everythign regulized and situated, I can call you guys up and give you a real detailed conversation about how it's gonna go and how things are with what I have going on. Because, I really think that it would help most fighters and help the MMA world see that you don't always have to go the Reebok way. You could actually make a little money on the side doing different things that can help you."
I like this guy a lot.
You can watch his last fight for free btw

Joe Wilk vs. Bubba Jenkins - MMA Full Fight Video - Kongo vs. Volkov
Doesn't alwasy play in chrome


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
Ttt for the man who twisted David Taylor like an ol School J...trust me guys David Taylor is a phenom and Bubba stuck him.. plus it was on my B day March 19th 2011, the same day JBJ ruined Shogun with ease..


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
How's things Bubba J, good to see your around, cant wait to here what you have in store regarding fighter money.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
I'm a big fan of Tip A Fighter. Creative idea, just needs a marketing boost for fighters & fans to become aware of it :) good luck!


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
The 149 lb division at the 2008 NCAA wrestling championships was fucking bananas. The semi's had Brent Metcalf(2x NCAA champion, multiple time World Team member), Jordan Burroughs(2x NCAA champion, Olympic Gold medalist, 2x world champion), Darrion Caldwell(NCAA national champion, 7-0 in mma fighting for Bellator), and Bubba Jenkins who would go on to be a NCAA national champion. WSOF champion Lance Palmer made it to the quarterfinals as well. My gaaaaawwwwddddd.


Bubba Jenkins

Bellator MMA Featherweight
Pro Fighter
Jul 28, 2015
Hello fighter and fight fans it's the highlight kid aka Bubba Jenkins! And I'm excited to be on the mma community website and forum. Thanks for the platform.

I help found this company called Tipafighter. And today I am starting this discussion so we can hear from the fans and fighter alike. Our goal is to connect fans with their favorite fighters as well as give the fighters a opportunity to earn bonuses for their exciting performances, personalities and profiles.

We have a website Tip A Fighter that's already up and running. I am here to help educate the public as our roster continues to grow. We also have an app coming soon. The app and website is where the fighter builds his or her own personal profile. They add pictures, videos, tipafighter technique tips and sponsors they may have. (no charge form us). We encourage complete freedom for the fighters to interact with their fans in a multitude of ways. Including fight gear giveaways, webinars, and insider only videos. I'd love to hear your, question, comments, feedback, concerns, and ideas. We would also like to know which fighters you as fans would like to be with tipafighter.com.

Tipafighter was created by a fighter for the fighters! We are willing to change and evolve with the great ideas the fans and fighters have. Thank you Bubba J


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
fighters a opportunity to earn bonuses for their exciting performances, personalities and profiles.

We have a website Tip A Fighter that's already up and running. I am here to help educate the public as our roster continues to grow. We also have an app coming soon. The app and website is where the fighter builds his or her own personal profile. They add pictures, videos, tipafighter technique tips and sponsors they may have. (no charge form us). We encourage complete freedom for the fighters to interact with their fans in a multitude of ways. Including fight gear giveaways, webinars, and insider only videos. I'd love to hear your, question, comments, feedback, concerns, and ideas. We would also like to know which fighters you as fans would like to be with tipafighter.com.

Tipafighter was created by a fighter for the fighters! We are willing to change and evolve with the great ideas the fans and fighters have
Are the fighter profiles going to be fully interactive? Meaning can we post messages or comment on their profiles/posts or is it more of a read only type of deal?

Will the fighters be able to post blogs and/or links to other social media?

I read that it's something like an 85/15 split with 15 going to administrative costs, as you add more fighters to the program how will you keep that cost low?

What are the payment options?

If our favorite fighter isn't signed up yet how do we get them to sign up?

Yup. I'm super nosey. And out of wine.


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
This is brilliant...we should figure out a way to do pay pal pots...the winner takes half the winnings and donates it to favorite signed up fighters of their choice...I gotta get a pay pal lol

Bubba Jenkins

Bellator MMA Featherweight
Pro Fighter
Jul 28, 2015
Those are all great questions. We encourage the fighter profiles to be fully interactive, since the goal is to connect the fighters and their fans. However the fighters have complete control of their pages, so ultimately it is up to each individual fighter as to how the use their page. The payment system is super simple in order to make it user friendly. We have PayPal as the 3rd party who handles all the transactions. Fans will be able to tip with a simple push of a button. Basically you choose your tip amount and hit submit. It's that simple. If your favorite fighter isn't signed with TipAFighter, we encourage fans to contact them and let them know that you would like to see them with TipAFighter. We are trying to start a movement, so the more super and interaction we get from our fan base the better. To answer your question in regards to keeping cost low, our percentages are set. The more fighters we get signed the easier it is to keep our costs of operations low.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
Those are all great questions. We encourage the fighter profiles to be fully interactive, since the goal is to connect the fighters and their fans. However the fighters have complete control of their pages, so ultimately it is up to each individual fighter as to how the use their page. The payment system is super simple in order to make it user friendly. We have PayPal as the 3rd party who handles all the transactions. Fans will be able to tip with a simple push of a button. Basically you choose your tip amount and hit submit. It's that simple. If your favorite fighter isn't signed with TipAFighter, we encourage fans to contact them and let them know that you would like to see them with TipAFighter. We are trying to start a movement, so the more super and interaction we get from our fan base the better. To answer your question in regards to keeping cost low, our percentages are set. The more fighters we get signed the easier it is to keep our costs of operations low.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Admire the hell out of what you're doing Bubba Jenkins @Bubba Jenkins. Good to see you being creative & taking an initiative to increase revenue for you & your peers. I will definitely be supporting the cause, and you are more than welcome to promote it here anytime. I'll tweet this thread out from time to time as well, to try and garner some additional exposure.