Of course a lot of those weren't religious.
But others I guess...
Townhall Media
Vision Victory
Principles by Ray Dalio
Anything Thomas Sowell & Milton Friedman
StormCloudsGathering & SeventhVial213/fidockave213 were good.
London Real
Journeyman Pictures
Jeff Rense
Jack Chapple
Henry Phillips
George Gammon
Barricade Garage
Antenna Man
Adam Kokesh
Omnicolour Armour(Joe Imbriano)
TheChemist45 - he's an odd, old school fireworks guy that's lights off pre-UN0336 D.O.T. stuff, entertaining.
TheOfficerTatum- I like this guy, he reminds me of Rampage & a bit of myself if I was allowed to let loose.
Next News Network- pretty painful op-ed, I just fast forward to the meat, which isually consists of 1/20th of the video.
The Gardening Channel with James Prigglioni- food forest guy that has evolved his channel well.
The Blogboard Jungle- a couple of MMA morons who talk about fights.
The Cosmic Wonder, screenrant, and Kinda Culty are nerdy superhero channels I used to drop in on.
(Guns & prep)
Kentucky Ballistics, The Elliot Homestead, Survival Dispatch, RSP Tool & Gear Review, Off Grid Homestead with doug and stacey(giving away a log cabin currently), Mrgunsngear Channel, MeCaryGrant59, Me Being Cheap, Magic Prepper, FunkerTactical, David Antonicelli, Advoko MAKES(cool Russian bushcraft)
Pyro(an industry I work in, some friends, some product intel, some build intel)- Pirotex, Powerblast Fireworks, Passfire The Firework Series, Victory Fireworks inc., Spirit of '76 Fireworks, Pyroland Fireworks, Ned Gorski, mindset133(overload buddy), Liberty Fireworks, KM pyroXtreme(he records some of my stuff), Jumbo Fireworks Nicole Xi, JJKD2A, JBOI92(also records my stuff), Flower king, displayfireworks1, celtic fireworks, catfish25p2000, BigFireworks, Bangkok Pyro, AstroTraveler92(overloads)
Mixed Martial Animations(comedy gold), Mike Tyson,
Sreetips- this guy walks you through chemical separating of precious metals, pretty cool.
Tons of fight stuff