General Trump at Economic Club in Chicago

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Bungee up

Active Member
Jun 25, 2022
Just watched that earlier.
He fucking owend that clown boots twit.

I'm a hardcore libitarian but I can't stand these full blown neolib Friedman loving fucks. They loved on nafta which fucked everything and put us in this shit position.
They harp on about tariffs and protectionism. If anything it's winding back a tiny bit of the damage caused by nafta. The dumbest trade deal ever conscived. They suck so bad and I can't stand them.
They love to point to the tariffs that led to the civil war as an example of tariffs being bad. That was completely different. Those were tariffs specifically to benefit one part of the country ( the north ) and hurt the other part of the country ( the south) . The south had absolutely no representation even after not loosing a single seat still lost the senate , the house and the presidency so the said fuck this were leaving so they voted on it and decided on it with a supermajority.

These fucking scumbags carry on night and day about tariffs being bad yet don't have shit to say about other countries implementing tariffs. They are totally controlled opposition. They claim to represent fiscal conservativisim. Bullshit. They're straight political hacks. They are scum, every one of them. They're all shit and the cause of the problem. Those exact people.
Trump fully exposed that. It was hilarious. He had him resorting to defending illegal immigration. When everything he had fell apart he brought up January 6th. Un fucking believable


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2021
Saw an article on the interwebs talking about this. Was something like Trump Crumbles Under Heavy Scrutiny of his Disastrous Economic Policies. They are going to go extra hard these last three weeks