Society Trump has amended the rules to recall retired military to active service

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TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
What's the implication of this?
Not rightly sure myself. I've seen a couple of theories posited. First would be that they need extra pilots to make up a shortage, either for Puerto Rico, or for a new war, or because of both. The second would be to recall military that are critical of the current administration, so retired generals and the like. When on active duty they aren't allowed to go public with their political opinions. All of this could be wrong, though.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Not rightly sure myself. I've seen a couple of theories posited. First would be that they need extra pilots to make up a shortage, either for Puerto Rico, or for a new war, or because of both. The second would be to recall military that are critical of the current administration, so retired generals and the like. When on active duty they aren't allowed to go public with their political opinions. All of this could be wrong, though. I don't have an opinion myself.
The confidentiality thing was the first thing that came to my mind. Let's hope that not the reason bc that would be disgusting


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
Air Force could recall as many as 1,000 retired pilots to address serious shortage

WASHINGTON — President Trump signed an executive order Friday allowing the Air Force to recall as many as 1,000 retired pilots to active duty to address a shortage in combat fliers, the White House and Pentagon announced.

By law, only 25 retired officers can be brought back to serve in any one branch. Trump's order removes those caps by expanding a state of national emergency declared by President George W. Bush after 9/11, signaling what could be a significant escalation in the 16-year-old global war on terror.

"We anticipate that the Secretary of Defense will delegate the authority to the Secretary of the Air Force to recall up to 1,000 retired pilots for up to three years," Navy Cdr. Gary Ross, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement.

But the executive order itself is not specific to the Air Force, and could conceivably be used in the future to call up more officers and in other branches.

The Air Force needs about 1,500 pilots more than it has. Bonus programs and other incentives have not made up the shortfall.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
The Air Force needs about 1,500 pilots more than it has. Bonus programs and other incentives have not made up the shortfall.
Had perfect asvab scores and was ready to be a pilot.
Told the recruiter if they could give me a path to be a pilot (assuming I could do the work) that I would sign air Force.

They couldn't figure out giving me a structure for that route and wanted to assign me something completely unrelated with zero plan towards flying.

So I went a long circle and ended up part time army.

The recruitment issue is purely recruiters that are focused on volume.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Air Force could recall as many as 1,000 retired pilots to address serious shortage

WASHINGTON — President Trump signed an executive order Friday allowing the Air Force to recall as many as 1,000 retired pilots to active duty to address a shortage in combat fliers, the White House and Pentagon announced.

By law, only 25 retired officers can be brought back to serve in any one branch. Trump's order removes those caps by expanding a state of national emergency declared by President George W. Bush after 9/11, signaling what could be a significant escalation in the 16-year-old global war on terror.

"We anticipate that the Secretary of Defense will delegate the authority to the Secretary of the Air Force to recall up to 1,000 retired pilots for up to three years," Navy Cdr. Gary Ross, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement.

But the executive order itself is not specific to the Air Force, and could conceivably be used in the future to call up more officers and in other branches.

The Air Force needs about 1,500 pilots more than it has. Bonus programs and other incentives have not made up the shortfall.

The 1000 number is a fall back due to the existing law.

It's always said a "1000 members". But officers had a special exception to only allow a smaller number.

Now it's a thousand members of any makeup enlisted or officers, for each branch.

The Secretary of Defense can then delegate to the Secretary of the specific Branch how they wish to use this thousand members. 1000 enlisted? 1000 officers?

The language seems quite clear on the why.
This is a pilot fix.

Pilot issue has been going on for a while. Somebody convinced Trump that this is the way to fix it for the moment. It's probably a good move and required. Obviously none of us are privy to the exact details, but I'm sure somebody did the math on the number and training in the number of missions currently running and realized the disaster looming a year from now.

This will need to be met with a heavy push to put a lot of people in the pipeline. This isn't a long-term fix. It's a patchwork because this wasn't solved five and ten years ago.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
By the way there's never been a limit on doctor officers. Could always call up a thousand retired health professionals. This is simply expanded it to whatever makeup is deemed necessary.


Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
What a fucking idiot
Why? The way I’m reading it, he’s reversed an EO Bush signed and has delegated recalling of retired personnel by the branch Secretaries. You could always get called up after retirement. Those retired longer than 5 years or over 60 were put at the bottom of the recall list. I believe I can technically get recalled, even though my IRR has been done for a while.

Now each Secretary of their specific branch can determine who gets recalled.


Bruno no dey carry last
Dec 30, 2015
I'm a dummy when it comes to most matters defence, so please have patience here.

But if I'm understanding correctly. You can join the forces, quit and then if the higher ups/govt want to then they can tell you to rejoin or you'll get punished?

If so I think that kinda sucks. When you're done you should be done. This should be especially when it comes to defence imo. You've done a national duty which many don't do and should be commended, but it shouldn't be held against you.