U.S. Gun Maker Creates 'Crusader' Rifle That ISIS 'Can't Touch'

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015

A Florida gun maker has created an "ISIS-proof" assault rifle that has raised the ire of Muslim groups.

Designed so Islamic State militants "could not touch it," the AR-15, made by Spike's Tactical in Apopka, is inscribed with the biblical verse, “Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle" (Pslams 144:1). It is also etched with a Knight's Templar Long Cross - a Christian Crusader symbol.

The rifle's safety selector has three settings: Peace, War, and God Wills it.

“Off the cuff I said I’d like to have a gun that if a Muslim terrorist picked it up a bolt of lightning would hit and knock him dead,” Ben “Mookie” Thomas, the company's spokesperson and a former Navy SEAL, told the Orlando Sentinel.

According to Thomas, he came up with the idea after finding out that Islamic State militants were using American made arms which were previously in Iraqi army hands.

The AR-15 'Crusader' rifle as seen in a Spike's Tactical video. Note the Bible verse and safety settings.Screengrab from Spike's Tactical video
Soon after its launch on Wednesday, The Council on American-Islamic Relations of Florida pointed out that out of 205 mass killings in the United States in 2015, only one involved a Muslim.

"Is it designed for Christian terrorists?" Hasan Shibly, executive director of the Council, asked rhetorically, adding that it's time gun makers stop trying to "make a buck" on gun violence.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Lmao. So lame.

I remember when trijicon hid bible verses on their sites in the serial number. The army had to grind them all off when it became public.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
DALTON GARDENS, Idaho –-(Ammoland.com)- Jihawg Ammo today announced release of the industry’s first truly defensive ammunition.

Not only does Jihawg guarantee that all of their ammunition meets or exceeds S.A.A.M.I. standards for velocity, penetration, and accuracy, they also coat each projectile with a special ballistic paint infused with pork to make it “Haraam” or unclean to a radical Jihadist.

This makes Jihawg Ammo the only commercially available ammunition with the added deterrent factor of eternal damnation for fundamentalist Islamic Jihadist.

Now Americans can defend themselves, their families, their communities, and their country from Muslim terrorists. Jihawg Ammo is the first product that provides a natural deterrent, promotes peace and yet provides maximum protection when used in a defensive posture.

Muslim tradition provides that a warrior who dies while waging “holy war” or Jihad on Infidels, Jews or Christians, attains entry into paradise where he will be serviced by 72 virgins. Jihawg Ammo nullifies that plan by making its ammo “Haraam” or unclean. The Koran denies paradise to anyone who is “unclean.” Under Muslim law, the slightest contact with pork or pork products, regardless of the circumstances, makes one unclean and ineligible to ascend to paradise.

According to Jihawg Ammo this makes Jihawg doubly lethal.

Jihawg Ammunition 9mm Pig Tainted Ammo
“With Jihawg Ammo, you don’t just kill an Islamist terrorist, you also send him to Hell. That should give would-be martyrs something to think about before they launch an attack. If it ever becomes necessary to defend yourself and those around you our ammo works on two levels. And, you’ll also be doing 72 virgins a favor. We call it PEACE THROUGH PORK.”

Jihawg Ammo is offering their ammunition directly to the public through their web site www.jihawg.com, and is looking for retailers interested in stocking their products.

Jihawg Ammunition creates a natural deterrent that forces Jihadist to choose peace or face certain death and damnation–no other ammunition in the world can make this claim.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
I guess he doesn't realise that the whole Iraqi army are Muslim, so wouldn't be able to use these weapons, stopping them ever passing into terrorist hands in the first place. Job success?


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
The Koran denies paradise to anyone who is “unclean.” Under Muslim law, the slightest contact with pork or pork products, regardless of the circumstances, makes one unclean and ineligible to ascend to paradise.

That's not true.
Most islamic interpretation gives leniency by Allah if you are an unwilling or unknowing participant in a sin.Accidental pork ingestion is a common topic under this subject.
Feb 28, 2015
Another example of how insane some people are in this country. Geez. I'm not afraid of ISIS, I'm afraid of all the nutjobs right here at home.


Mammal of the Sea
Jan 20, 2015
there is this gun called the Armatix Smart Gun.

It can only run when you are wearing the watch and punch in the right code. The gun then will only work when its a short distance away from the watch. No more than 10 inches.

If someone steals the gun and they are farther than 10 inches they cant use it. If you turn the watch off it wont work. If someone doesn't know the watch code the gun wont work.

But if the batteries in the watch die you also cant use it.

Its an interesting step forward though.


Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015

A Florida gun maker has created an "ISIS-proof" assault rifle that has raised the ire of Muslim groups.

Designed so Islamic State militants "could not touch it," the AR-15, made by Spike's Tactical in Apopka, is inscribed with the biblical verse, “Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle" (Pslams 144:1). It is also etched with a Knight's Templar Long Cross - a Christian Crusader symbol.

The rifle's safety selector has three settings: Peace, War, and God Wills it.

“Off the cuff I said I’d like to have a gun that if a Muslim terrorist picked it up a bolt of lightning would hit and knock him dead,” Ben “Mookie” Thomas, the company's spokesperson and a former Navy SEAL, told the Orlando Sentinel.

According to Thomas, he came up with the idea after finding out that Islamic State militants were using American made arms which were previously in Iraqi army hands.

The AR-15 'Crusader' rifle as seen in a Spike's Tactical video. Note the Bible verse and safety settings.Screengrab from Spike's Tactical video
Soon after its launch on Wednesday, The Council on American-Islamic Relations of Florida pointed out that out of 205 mass killings in the United States in 2015, only one involved a Muslim.

"Is it designed for Christian terrorists?" Hasan Shibly, executive director of the Council, asked rhetorically, adding that it's time gun makers stop trying to "make a buck" on gun violence.
Finally, an unbeatable solution


Insert Crown here
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
1. just grind it off
2. it's in english they can't read that.
3. you think nutjobs who kill people without blinking, are gonna be stopped by a bible verse.
4.COME ON SON!!!!!!


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015

A Florida gun maker has created an "ISIS-proof" assault rifle that has raised the ire of Muslim groups.

Designed so Islamic State militants "could not touch it," the AR-15, made by Spike's Tactical in Apopka, is inscribed with the biblical verse, “Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle" (Pslams 144:1). It is also etched with a Knight's Templar Long Cross - a Christian Crusader symbol.

The rifle's safety selector has three settings: Peace, War, and God Wills it.

“Off the cuff I said I’d like to have a gun that if a Muslim terrorist picked it up a bolt of lightning would hit and knock him dead,” Ben “Mookie” Thomas, the company's spokesperson and a former Navy SEAL, told the Orlando Sentinel.

According to Thomas, he came up with the idea after finding out that Islamic State militants were using American made arms which were previously in Iraqi army hands.

The AR-15 'Crusader' rifle as seen in a Spike's Tactical video. Note the Bible verse and safety settings.Screengrab from Spike's Tactical video
Soon after its launch on Wednesday, The Council on American-Islamic Relations of Florida pointed out that out of 205 mass killings in the United States in 2015, only one involved a Muslim.

"Is it designed for Christian terrorists?" Hasan Shibly, executive director of the Council, asked rhetorically, adding that it's time gun makers stop trying to "make a buck" on gun violence.
Caliber: MULTI?!?!
What?? How? Also, what is that odd switch/bar just above the trigger? Can you change the trigger pull pounds with it?


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Caliber: MULTI?!?!
What?? How? Also, what is that odd switch/bar just above the trigger? Can you change the trigger pull pounds with it?
On AR's you can change the upper and barrel pretty easily, and that allows you to change the caliber.


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
On AR's you can change the upper and barrel pretty easily, and that allows you to change the caliber.
I've known guys that have done that but never saw that stamped on a lower like that. I also thought they were being "kind of" negligent by saying 5.56 and .223 were the same.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I've known guys that have done that but never saw that stamped on a lower like that. I also thought they were being "kind of" negligent by saying 5.56 and .223 were the same.
I didn't see anything like that in the OP. Having said that I've never heard of a gun that'll shoot 5.56 safely, but not .223. The other way around is a different story though.


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I didn't see anything like that in the OP. Having said that I've never heard of a gun that'll shoot 5.56 safely, but not .223. The other way around is a different story though.
I've been told that you shouldn't fire 5.56 out of a 223 or vice versa. I own an AR and have always treated it that way. Not saying I'm right just what I always do.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I've been told that you shouldn't fire 5.56 out of a 223 or vice versa. I own an AR and have always treated it that way. Not saying I'm right just what I always do.
Like I said earlier, and says in the article, either is fine out of a 5.56 gun, but .223 shouldn't shoot 5.56.