Story time.
This song brings back memories. The first thing that pops to mind was when this song was brand new. Was up on detatchment in Inverness Scotland. There's a pub there called Johnny foxes
Johnny Foxes and The Den Nightclub – Johnny Foxes and The Den Nightclub
Well I was I joint.force harrier at the time so we called it joint force foxes. A good 25 of us used to head down there nightly to get hammered. Proper New year's Eve hammered. Well one time as they kicked everyone out I was minding my own business reading the book of the good prince and some horrible jock savage tried to start trouble with me. Taken aback with confusion and alcohol I stopped to apprehend the landscape when suddenly not one but two corporals from my sqn got in the guys face and threatened to throw him and all his Entourage in the river outside.
They shit thier pants and apologized as the rest of the sqn started to filter out.
I guess they tried to pick on me for no reason at all because I left a few seconds earlier because I smoked.
That's what that song reminds me of...