Yeah if china owns CA they can basically mess with the entire west coast and maybe even mess with our navy. They are gonna beat us from the inside out instead of having to invade with their navy.
China has owned the lease on 90% of world ports for at least a decade(not Greece, major).
They control all coastal cities as a result, therefore schools, curriculum, politicians etc.
Mail-in ballots were implemented by 1984, and the west has had Democrats installed ever since.
This is a plan that started after Johnson & Nixon, a phased plan. And it's not just China, it's communism, aka Open Society Foundation, Gates Foundation, DNC, etc.
Covid was blamed on China by Trump after that trade war, the "State" wouldn't allow that talk, he was ousted, arrested, framed, charged etc. When the "Xi" strain of Sars Cov-2 came, he demanded the WHO/west skip over that title
China has produced world goods, including ingested medications for 50 years.
They've given the U.S. prostitution through all port cities for that long, sacrificing their homeland male/female ratio, and were successful in the "one-child policy" reducing their population from nearly 1.8 billion to 1.4 billion, a 400 million reduction in 10 years, India now leads the world. That's like eradicating the entire population of the USA in 10 years.
It's no coincidence the WEF Agenda 2021 & 2030 have the same dates as China's stated Agenda dates.
China controls Alphabet aka Google/Youtube, so that censorship is them, there's no monetized anti-China talk allowed.
Chinese generals openly speak at investor meetings with the message that "China will completely own the United States by 2030 without firing a shot".
Our own 4-star WH General Milley said openly he'd "call his Chinese counterpart if Trump made a decision to defend Taiwan/order military movement". This is ALL blatant, the move to cull patriots away from coasts to be dealt with later.
The USA has been taken over internally, and Chinese military brass own our homes.
It's said "they regularly check google earth to view their homes".
Btw, Chinese satellites were directly over Lahaina the moment the fires started.