General Ukraine is using robot dogs

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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I fucking hate robot dog

why do they have to be dogs anyways, why restrict the robot to that platform?


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
i remember like 15 years ago when alex jones was exposing the darpa robots and the rebuttal at the time was that they were never going to be weaponized against the people . it was about as a blatant lie as possible. what else were they supposed to be for? a jetsons robot butler? the robot dog was a perfect gun platform . looking back at 2010 with 2024 knowledge idk how anybody could have ever seen them as anything other than terminator robots. people were much more naive back then. i have been an asshole since 9/11...waco ruby ridge etc but before about 2015 people were still stuck in ThE FrEeMaSoNs RuLe ThE WoRlD type of gatekeeper thinking . they didnt develop this thing for any other reason other than to kill people and ukraine is the testing ground for all kinds of shit they arent supposed to be doing. both ukraine and gaza are just a series of war crimes that are all over the internet and no one really says shit about them

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
it has a nice flat platform to mount whatever you want on its back
Ok, I get that

Wouldn't 6 or 8 legs be more stable? Of course more legs is more complicated...

Robot cats would be scary, considering they are already basically aliens. Would have to have a lot of lightweight materials in them and the joints and crazy retractable claws might be too complicated
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