This info seems to be coming from PETA, so I'll take it with a grain of salt. PETA believes animals should be killed rather than be owned by people. Like cats, dogs, cows, etc. It wouldn't surprise me if they staged those videos.
Yeah fuck PETA, miserable bastards.
Animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) recently posted the "news" that it had "newly obtained public records" showing…
From the article:
As an animal shelter regulated by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS), PETA must file a report annually that inventories the dogs, cats and other animals it had on hand during the prior year and that states what happened to them. As we have reported before (see, e.g., here), PETA’s euthanasia rate has consistently exceeded the rates of other shelters in Virginia by wide margins. The data for 2023 is no different.
The graph below, based on data reported to, and published by VDACS, shows shelter euthanasia rates for 2023 — that is how many animals were put down as a percentage of how many animals the shelter had on hand during the year. The results for PETA are shown next to the results for all public shelters, all private shelters and all agencies combined in Virginia.