Woman Charged With Contaminating Families Milk With Shavings of Dead Skin From Her Feet

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015

Sarah P. Schrock, 56, of Mechanicsville

Sarah P. Schrock, 56, of Mechanicsville was arrested on on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 by Deputy First Class Jaime Davis of the St. Mary’s sheriff’s Office.

Charging documents allege that Schrock contaminated milk served to family members at her home, with shavings of dead skin from her feet.

Schrock was placed under arrest and transported to the St. Mary’s County Detention Center, where she was charged withpoisoning/contaminating of food, 3 counts of assault and failure to comply with a peace order.

The poisoning/contaminating of food charge is a felony punishable by up to 25 years in jail.

Schrock has been arrested 3 times in the past nine days.


Merkin' fools since pre-school
Apr 25, 2015
Maybe she didn't want a bunch of freeloaders at her place...lol