I think it would be great to have a cage weight limit. I also think an added weightclass or more would be good but that is a seperate discussion. I think a cage weight limit stops the guys who abuse the system. Like Tibeau make make 155, but that guy probably weighs 183 in the cage the next day. Rumble at 170 was doing this. He was making 170, then coming in at 200-205 in the cage the next day and looking 2 weightclasses bigger than guys he was fighting. The actual number I am flexible on but I think it should go kind of like this.
125 cage weight limit is 139. first level offense is 140-142, 143 and above is a second level offense
135 cage weight limit is 150, first level offense is 151-154, 155 and above is a second level offense
145 cage weight limit is 161, first level offense is 162-165, 166 and above is a second level offense
155 cage weight limit is 173, first level offense is 174-177, 178 and above is a second level offense
170 cage weight limit is 190, first level offense is 191-195, 196 and above is a second level offense
185 cage weight limit is 207, first level offense is 208-212, 213 and above is a second level offense
205 cage weight limit is 230, first level offense is 231-235, 236 and above is a second level offense
206 and up, cage weight limit is none
I also am not so hardcore about 205 having to have a cage limit weight. I think it would be good but not essential, but I think for 185 and below it is essential right now. This would force guys to not bloat themselves in between camps and in the early part of camp, meaning their weightcut goes healthier for them. Besides elimating guys abusing the weight cut system I think this is a healthier way for fighters overall, especially long term health.
Now, if a guy misses weight but is in the range of first level offense, then he gives 20-25% of his purse to the other guy. So if he misses the offical weight cut, and gives 20% from that, well then he is now giving just about half his purse, but if the guy made the offical weight but it simply a first level offense on the cage weight aspect the next day, then he is "only" giving 20-25% of his purse to the other guy. Now if the guy is a 2nd level offense on the cage weight aspect the next day then he is giving 50% of his purse to the other guy, and if he misses offical weight also, you would add in that 20% meaning he is giving 70% of his overall purse to the other. This way the fight goes on, the fans win and the guys get to fight, but this cage weight caveat would force them to not abuse the weight cutting system and the guys would be healthier, and fresher going into the fights.
125 cage weight limit is 139. first level offense is 140-142, 143 and above is a second level offense
135 cage weight limit is 150, first level offense is 151-154, 155 and above is a second level offense
145 cage weight limit is 161, first level offense is 162-165, 166 and above is a second level offense
155 cage weight limit is 173, first level offense is 174-177, 178 and above is a second level offense
170 cage weight limit is 190, first level offense is 191-195, 196 and above is a second level offense
185 cage weight limit is 207, first level offense is 208-212, 213 and above is a second level offense
205 cage weight limit is 230, first level offense is 231-235, 236 and above is a second level offense
206 and up, cage weight limit is none
I also am not so hardcore about 205 having to have a cage limit weight. I think it would be good but not essential, but I think for 185 and below it is essential right now. This would force guys to not bloat themselves in between camps and in the early part of camp, meaning their weightcut goes healthier for them. Besides elimating guys abusing the weight cut system I think this is a healthier way for fighters overall, especially long term health.
Now, if a guy misses weight but is in the range of first level offense, then he gives 20-25% of his purse to the other guy. So if he misses the offical weight cut, and gives 20% from that, well then he is now giving just about half his purse, but if the guy made the offical weight but it simply a first level offense on the cage weight aspect the next day, then he is "only" giving 20-25% of his purse to the other guy. Now if the guy is a 2nd level offense on the cage weight aspect the next day then he is giving 50% of his purse to the other guy, and if he misses offical weight also, you would add in that 20% meaning he is giving 70% of his overall purse to the other. This way the fight goes on, the fans win and the guys get to fight, but this cage weight caveat would force them to not abuse the weight cutting system and the guys would be healthier, and fresher going into the fights.