You are in an open field west of a big white house with a boarded front door.

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Feb 16, 2015
Command List - Zork Wiki

Move commands
Command Shortcut Action
north n Move north
south s Move south
east e Move east
west w Move west
northeast ne Move northeast
northwest nw Move northwest
southeast se Move southeast
southwest sw Move southwest
up u Move up
down d Move down
look l Looks around at current location
save Save state to a file
restore Restores a saved state
restart Restarts the game
verbose Gives full description after each command
score Displays score and ranking
diagnostic Give description of health
brief Give a description upon first entering an area
superbrief Never describe an area
quit q Quit game
climb climbs(up)
g last common
go(direction) go towards direction(west/east/north/south/in/out/into)
in/into in to the place(window,...)
out go out of the place(kitchen,...)
hi/hello say hello...
fuck/shit/damn Random Comment
i inventory
(None) I beg your pardon?
Item commands
Command (Argument) Action
get/take (item) Removes item from current room; places it in your inventory
get/take all takes all takeable objects in room
throw (item) at (location) Throws the item at something
open (container) Opens the container, whether it is in the room or your inventory
open (exit) Opens the exit for travel
read (item) Reads what is written on readable item
drop (item) Removes item from inventory; places it in current room
put (item) in (container) Removes item from inventory; places it in container
turn (control) with (item) Attempts to operate the control with the item
turn on (item) Turns on the item
turn off (item) Turns the item off
move (object) Moves a large object that cannot be picked up
attack (creature) with (item) Attacks creature with the item
examine (object) Examines, or looks, at an object or item or location
inventory Shows contents of Inventory
eat Eats item (specifically food)
shout Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!
close [Door] Closes door
tie (item) to (object)
pick (item) take/get item
kill self with (weapon) Humorously commits suicide
break (item) with (item) Breaks item
kill (creature) with (item) Attacks creature with the item
pray when you are in temples...
drink drink an item


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
I tried running across the field naked, but it didn't understand what I wanted to do.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 16, 2015

You are about ten feet above the ground nestled among some large
branches. The nearest branch above you is beyond your reach.
On the branch is a small birds nest.
The birds nest contains:
A jewel-encrusted egg.