How are you guys managing your rolls during the Covid-19 breakout?

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La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I've been staying away completely for two weeks now. Chatting with my coach last night I inquired if there's any underground rolls going down with a select few members so I'm waiting to hear. You guys just avoiding it? Rolling with a couple friends?

member 603

Had a couple of private clients that I've rolled with, other than that I'm just doing solo movement drills


TMMAC Addict
Jan 20, 2015
I am still recovering from my hand surgery, so I am not rolling at all. Lifting in my garage gym and running like a madman.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2015
I've not been going for a week or so. Just don't want to be the one to spread it to someone vulnerable.

Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
Haven't been to my gym in months but all the gyms around here have closed up despite no known cases yet.

Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
I've been planning a basement renovation and after this breakout I'm even more convinced I need to find some mats for my basement

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Sounds like most of us are in the same boat. I'm two weeks no rolls and gym closed. I'll probably pick a fight with my son on days off to keep sharp. He's getting crafty.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I've been planning a basement renovation and after this breakout I'm even more convinced I need to find some mats for my basement
Be great to just work on movement drills at home eh? Let the body heal up and get limber again.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Yes it would.... Movement and flow drills are the essence of good Jiu Jitsu
I love the analogy of them being Lego blocks. Put the right moobments together and you can create something great.


Posting Machine
Aug 2, 2015
My friend invited me to his house to roll, he has mats and private gym but I don’t want to risk catching this at all. My elderly grandmother lives with us so I’m thinking about her

It’s sucks because before this I was out for four weeks due to hurting my knee, I went back for three weeks, was getting ready to start hitting the comps again and then this corona shit happened

callisthenics, stretching and cardio for me most days until it’s safe to go back. Might as well use this time to get stronger and fitter.

ONLY thing I don’t miss is washing my Gi’s lol


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
i set up a temporary gym where the minivan goes, and put a car cover on the minivan in the driveway.

doing the Bullyproof program with the kids.

Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
Anybody working out at home as well?

I hear a lot about kettlebell workouts and I'm thinking now would be a good time to start.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
I can't really make out the pictures. That's got to be Helio in the middle.
Is that Maeda on the left?
Right not sure so I guess this is byyyyeeee.
Helio in the middle.

Dan Gable on the right.

Farmer Burns on the left.
Farmer Burns is my man...those guys are all up there because they were as good at sharing their knowledge as they were at executing it.

One fun Farmer Burns story - He trained Frank Gotch, and he and Frank went to England for a wrestling tour. While they were there, they trained with a bunch of Judokas. There's a letter from Frank Gotch's wife where she complains about how difficult it is to blood of the judokas out of the her husband's training gear.

member 603

Anybody working out at home as well?

I hear a lot about kettlebell workouts and I'm thinking now would be a good time to start.
Kettle bells are my jam, I use them a lot. I do a lot of movement drills too right now to stay loose. I've given my comp team an at home circuit to do, and make them do it in a time trial for prizes (winning free private lessons), and I do that circuit too. Everything helps

member 603

I've also just got finished with another online private lesson session, 4th this week, it's been pretty awesome

Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
Helio in the middle.

Dan Gable on the right.

Farmer Burns on the left.
Farmer Burns is my man...those guys are all up there because they were as good at sharing their knowledge as they were at executing it.

One fun Farmer Burns story - He trained Frank Gotch, and he and Frank went to England for a wrestling tour. While they were there, they trained with a bunch of Judokas. There's a letter from Frank Gotch's wife where she complains about how difficult it is to blood of the judokas out of the her husband's training gear.
Ah Gable.

Haha, that's a good story.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
One fun Farmer Burns story - He trained Frank Gotch, and he and Frank went to England for a wrestling tour. While they were there, they trained with a bunch of Judokas. There's a letter from Frank Gotch's wife where she complains about how difficult it is to blood of the judokas out of the her husband's training gear.
Frank Gotch?

If memory serves he was the second guy in the lineage of this belt: