Russian MMA scene in Chechnya

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Tanaka Clan
Feb 16, 2015
Of I am wrong about ANY of this call me out. Consider me less informed.

Chechnya is a Russian republic. Their leader likes his MMA. His name is Razman Kadyrov. I didn't know much about any of this till recently. I mean about the place the past violence, Islamic religion there..I was uninformed. So if there are any of you like me you might find this stuffs interested.

Chechen government owns a gym they call Akhmat Fight Club. The name Akhmat was the current leaders(Razman) father. Akhmad got assainated by terrorists back in 09 in the capital, Grozny. It was at some WW2 parade of all things.
Akhmad Kadyrov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is how the son came to power I assume.

Back to Razman. From what I've read he's not a very good guy. Western media may have intensified how terrible of a leader he is but I think he has two completely diffrent sides. One thing for sure is he lovea living large. He host many famous guests. Parades around the city in extravagant vehicles. He even gives new cars to fighters he likes. Also like L @Ich liebe Katzen this dude loves cats.

Lemme just post some pics before I go on.

Here is Razman Kadyrov in the center with some random gaurd type dudes.

Here he is a one of their fight events. He loved it so much he had to get up and get jiggy wit it.

These guys are supposed to be some UFC champs..I dunno

Here's Kadyrov with that guy who plays Ragnar on Vikings.

Add to this if you will please. I will see what else I can dig up in a bit.

Thank you to Underground Forum member touch for bringing some of this to my attention.


Tanaka Clan
Feb 16, 2015
I'm trying to to this from my phone and it's slow as shit right now. I want to add so much but might have to wait till tomorrow.


Tanaka Clan
Feb 16, 2015
Travis "the Iron Man" Fulton from Iowa is the most expierienced MMA fighter in the work with a record of W251-L51-D10 1NC this guy has been everywhere.

He just fought in Grozny, Chechnya.....this month
WFCA 9 - Grozny Battle


Tanaka Clan
Feb 16, 2015
This Kadyrov is an intersting fellow. I'm done for the nite. More tomorrow.
If this is at all interesting to you at all add some stuff.


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Travis "the Iron Man" Fulton from Iowa is the most expierienced MMA fighter in the work with a record of W251-L51-D10 1NC this guy has been everywhere.

He just fought in Grozny, Chechnya.....this month
WFCA 9 - Grozny Battle

Wow. I didn't know he was still going.
I thought he'd slow down after #300, but NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

What's the record for pro thai fights?


Tanaka Clan
Feb 16, 2015
Wow. I didn't know he was still going.
I thought he'd slow down after #300, but NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

What's the record for pro thai fights?
22-39-1 Pro boxing record
Didn't find any thai fights. He boxed against an old internet buddy of mine, Clayton Miller. Clayton was a UG regular back in the day. You might remember him.

Has anyone seen Exreme Challenge 22 from Salt Lake City? Its the one were Fabiano Iha won the tourney vs Cleber. Fulton strait up power slamed some TKD guy and made him in a state of convulsions. I talked to the promoter Monte Cox back in the day and he told me the whole story on that one


Tanaka Clan
Feb 16, 2015
  1. Weird format?
  2. From Google, Kadyrov want to unleash his might on Isis.
  3. ?
  4. The Chechen leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, has asked Vladimir Putin to send him to Syria, claiming that a land operation using Chechen ground troops would wipe out Islamic State terrorists. Oct 2, 2015


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
  1. Weird format?
  2. From Google, Kadyrov want to unleash his might on Isis.
  3. ?
  4. The Chechen leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, has asked Vladimir Putin to send him to Syria, claiming that a land operation using Chechen ground troops would wipe out Islamic State terrorists. Oct 2, 2015
This is ironic, since a large chunk of the ISIL and related groups are Chechens themselves.

I guess this Chechen strongman might have a point though; maybe there's a Chechen solution to cleaning up a Chechen problem.


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
22-39-1 Pro boxing record
Didn't find any thai fights. He boxed against an old internet buddy of mine, Clayton Miller. Clayton was a UG regular back in the day. You might remember him.

Has anyone seen Exreme Challenge 22 from Salt Lake City? Its the one were Fabiano Iha won the tourney vs Cleber. Fulton strait up power slamed some TKD guy and made him in a state of convulsions. I talked to the promoter Monte Cox back in the day and he told me the whole story on that one
I was curious to know THE record for most Thai/kickboxing bouts, as Fulton most certainly holds the MMA record.

Clayton sounds familiar, and that fight against Jeremy Bullock was brutal.
I remember him talking himself and JKD up, then, UGH!
I thought he broke his neck or something. Looking at it now, probably some wind ko'd, some tko, some cracked ribs.
What did Monte say about it?

The video:



Tanaka Clan
Feb 16, 2015
I was curious to know THE record for most Thai/kickboxing bouts, as Fulton most certainly holds the MMA record.

Clayton sounds familiar, and that fight against Jeremy Bullock was brutal.
I remember him talking himself and JKD up, then, UGH!
I thought he broke his neck or something. Looking at it now, probably some wind ko'd, some tko, some cracked ribs.
What did Monte say about it?

The video:

When Monte was setting this event up Bullock contacted him on the phone and said he needed to be in this. That he was credible and won all sorts of tournaments and shit. Not only that but he could put asses in seats, help promote and get tickets sold. Monte said the guy begged him. So he told him he'd put him in the show.

Travis being Travis wasn't going to miss this one. It was one of the biggest grass roots events to ever happen. His original opponent bailed or Didn't show. So Monte had two guys without opponents. Not sure who he planned bulluck to fight.

Anyways Monte says he gets to SLC and meets Bullock and can tell he was ellaborating. You can judge a book by its cover sometimes. But he gave the dude his word.

This is where It gets tricky. People generally HATE any type of fix. But Monte asked Travis not to punch this poor guy in the face. He knew Fulton could win another way. He expected a quick takedown/mount/armlock type scenario. Or choke maybe. Instead Travis just slammed the guy hard as fuck! Thanks for that vid btw. I have a DVD of that event in my basement somewhere.

Another fix from back in the day....Brad Kohler asked Jeremy Horn to carry Dan Theodore for at least a round for the crowds entertainment. Horn said sure..round two horn gets clench and knees wolfman in the face and knocks him out. I was there.

I got an old Extreme Challenge tape with Theodores debut fight. It was Bulluck-esque. He was overly intense and doing that thing with crazy eyes and the whole bit. He lost I think..can't remember.

Monte used to mail me tapes. I couldn't believe how cool of fights he was putting on in that square cage. He got tons of his guys experience and got them to the big show. The list is incredible. Remember Frank Sham fighting this unknown dude for the UFC under 200lb title? I'd seen Horn several times prior and knew he could hang with him. He gave Frank all he could handle and could have won that. Shamrock was relieved as hell to catch that kneebar...I'm rambling off topic..
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