General Woman Killed, Eaten by her two Pitbulls

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member 3289

Juanandonly @Juanandonly Did you get your pitbulls from a breeder? Do you know their bloodline?

I think Splinty @Splinty makes a really good point about bad owners breeding vicious dogs and that's why we have such a disproportionate numbers of attacks by pitbulls.

And yes any dog can attack its owner, but attacks are a lot more common with pitbulls.

member 3289

Look at the Dogo Argentino. Actually bigger than a pit and has a lot of terrier bloodline, but this dog is actually extremely docile.

Why is this? Because the two Argentinean fuckers that made this dog breed were so aggressive with their breeding tactics that they quickly bred out any violent or vicious traits.

I've been around a Dogo Argentino before. I didn't have that anxious or uneasy feeling I do around pits, thinking they could snap at any moment. It seemed like a normal, friendly dog to me.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
Chihuahuas bite most often, I think. Hate em :mad:

The pit bull is just more deadly.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
She left the dogs with her father, her father was not taking care of the dogs, it wasn’t his responsibility, and she would come home maybe five times to the father’s house a week on average and take the dogs out, and so they became more isolated where the only contact they had was with each other, and it was less and less human contact.

Put two big dogs in a pin with no appropriate exercise, left outside, minimal human contact, and then be shocked they act out.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I have three pitbulls and four kids. There hasn’t been a time that I feared for my kids when they’re around my dogs. Now my dogs once in a while get into it with each other but never towards the family. Any dog at anytime can snap on their owner. It’s not just pits. I’ve seen chows fuck people up and same thing for German shepherds. Akita’s also have been known to fuck a motherfucker up. No I’m not saying every pitbull is nice but not every pitbull is going to eat their owner.
I was reading the article just yesterday and they were saying how the pit bulls were actually eating that lady’s rib cage. Now that’s some crazy shit.

Good stuff man. My wife and I had a pair of APBT before we had kids and they were with us until kids were around 3&5. Those dogs were the best. So kind and playful with all my friends and family for years. They'd get into typical dog scuffs here and there but nothing that made me worry. I'm sure you have had every ridiculous comment and question thrown your way as an owner too. "I heard of you stare at them they'll attack!" "I read their jaws mechanically lock!" I knew a guy who knew a guy who's pitty ate their baby!".... I was happy to be an ambassador for the breed when I owned them but it's tiring having the same debates so a rarely get into it now. As mentioned here already the bad part is they have they physical attributes to kill with ease. Many dogs and breed are aggressive, poorly trained, come from puppy Mills and whatever but when they act up it's not as much fun to sensationalize. Iirc in the 80s it's was the Dobbies, the 90s it's was the rotties and then the pitties became public enemy #1.

I haven't looked at the data but I'd guess that a large majority of dog bites are from smaller breeds. The owners rarely train them because it's just easier to pick them up and baby talk them than it is to give proper instructions. "It's easier to restrain than train".

Either way you have beautiful dogs, hope they treat you guys well.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Should have got a rottweiler instead, they're vicious towards everyone else but you. Mine would bite the ass off of a low flying duck but eat me? Not a chance.


member 3289

La Paix @BirdWatcher in our two countries, labs actually bite more people than any other dog due to the sheer number of lab owners in North America.

I'd like to see some info on fatal dog attacks and see the percentages according to breed.

I think pit bulls can be good dogs when they're bred properly and have responsible owners, but that's unfortunately not the case, especially in poorer, less educated households.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
La Paix @BirdWatcher in our two countries, labs actually bite more people than any other dog due to the sheer number of lab owners in North America.

I'd like to see some info on fatal dog attacks and see the percentages according to breed.

I think pit bulls can be good dogs when they're bred properly and have responsible owners, but that's unfortunately not the case, especially in poorer, less educated households.
I agree with your last statement but that really extends to every breed and pet for that matter.

I wasn't even looking for a pit when I decided to get a dog, I wanted a bull terrier. After having difficulty finding a good breeder in my area I kept returning to a good kennel who specialized in Pits, French bulls and Boston terriers. I did my research and saw the same info that Splinty @Splinty posted about their origins and was pretty interested and that was it. I got my female (the bigger Fawn one) because a family bought her as a pup but they had strata rules that forced them to return her. I paid $100 after spending 2 long weekends helping out around the kennel so I could get to know how they operated and I was really happy. My wife got Crunch from the same place. He was one of their studs but developed a pretty bad food allergy so they stopped using him. We paid for the ball snip and he was ours. The two of them got along so good like bffs, that extended to my kids as well. I never had any issues with them towards other people young or old. Only one close call with crunch when he clamped on to a little POS rat dog who kept nipping at him at a friend's bbq. From what I know if you ever are in this situation get the dog into a headlock choke like Newton vs Miletech and they'll likely release to get some air. I've never had to do this but it may work, no idea.

What frustrating is people who are all "OMG your dog is sooooo cute! She keeps licking me lol! What is she?" I'd tell them and they go from falling in love to recoiling their hand and face like it's Hitler wearing a dog costume. Smh.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
Wtf what a pansy ass owner. I'd put my own dog in a choke with arms or that leash
He sounds like one of those guys who would say it's not the breed it's the owner. Ha ha but in seriousness i heard once a pit latches on like that words dont work.

I have three pitbulls and four kids. There hasn’t been a time that I feared for my kids when they’re around my dogs. Now my dogs once in a while get into it with each other but never towards the family. Any dog at anytime can snap on their owner. It’s not just pits. I’ve seen chows fuck people up and same thing for German shepherds. Akita’s also have been known to fuck a motherfucker up. No I’m not saying every pitbull is nice but not every pitbull is going to eat their owner.
I was reading the article just yesterday and they were saying how the pit bulls were actually eating that lady’s rib cage. Now that’s some crazy shit.
That's true but the particular issue is that pitbulls have a more aggressive bite than a lot of other dogs and fighting is what they were bred for. A German Shepherd will usually stop if the owner starts yelling or gives him a smack. A pitbull wont easily stop attacking something once it starts.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
Juanandonly @Juanandonly Did you get your pitbulls from a breeder? Do you know their bloodline?

I think Splinty @Splinty makes a really good point about bad owners breeding vicious dogs and that's why we have such a disproportionate numbers of attacks by pitbulls.

And yes any dog can attack its owner, but attacks are a lot more common with pitbulls.
Indescriminant breeding is probably the biggest source of aggressive pitbulls but even good breeders can have bad pups in a litter. It's just like how in one family you can get aweome kids and bad kids even if the parents did good job with both. Everyone has unsavory DNA that pops out once in awhile in the family tree.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Dog bite statistics are a bit weird because most often you're dealing with mutts that could have 5 or more breeds mixed in them. Just looking at the lady's dogs you can tell their no where near pure pit bull. The definitions can be loosy goosey.

But people are right to say that pit bulls are more dangerous when they snap because of their build and mentality.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
I wouldn't raise kids with pitbull or let other kids near pitbull if I had one based on the fact that I wouldn't be able to stop "if" they attacked someone. I think if you own any dog you need to be ble to control it. If you are 100 pound then owning a dog like this isn't responsible. Counting on the dog never acting out is irresponsible. That' s how these fatalities always happen. Owner of pit never considering their dog will attack someone so they are poorly prepared for it.


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
I have three pitbulls and four kids. There hasn’t been a time that I feared for my kids when they’re around my dogs. Now my dogs once in a while get into it with each other but never towards the family. Any dog at anytime can snap on their owner. It’s not just pits. I’ve seen chows fuck people up and same thing for German shepherds. Akita’s also have been known to fuck a motherfucker up. No I’m not saying every pitbull is nice but not every pitbull is going to eat their owner.
I was reading the article just yesterday and they were saying how the pit bulls were actually eating that lady’s rib cage. Now that’s some crazy shit.

Just beautiful. Do they slobber alot? My sis has a American Bully and she is a sweetheart but you will get slimed anytime she walks by.


Chinese Virus
Feb 11, 2016
Maybe the 2 pits got into a fight with another dog or between themselves , and while trying to stop the fight they attacked her.
There is more to this story.

member 3289

Wtf what a pansy ass owner. I'd put my own dog in a choke with arms or that leash
This. Dogs are inherently pack animals that understand hierarchy and the dominant status of the owner ONLY IF the owner acts dominant.

If you own a dog, you have to know that you can kill that dog if it comes down to it. And it can't be a bluff, because the dog will see through that. When you're with the dog, you have to be dominant.

This is exponentially more important when dealing with large, aggressive breeds.

This is going to sound sexist but so be it - I don't think single women should own large, aggressive dog breeds.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Can't argue that.

Song has a good point...

Even a poorly bred and poorly trained pug ain't killing you.
There's plenty of dogs that need extra care and training, but pitbulls have an unwillingness to let go and an extra-ordinary pain tolerence.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
La Paix @BirdWatcher in our two countries, labs actually bite more people than any other dog due to the sheer number of lab owners in North America.

I'd like to see some info on fatal dog attacks and see the percentages according to breed.

I think pit bulls can be good dogs when they're bred properly and have responsible owners, but that's unfortunately not the case, especially in poorer, less educated households.
But death by dogbites is what really matters and that is 65% coming from one breed, Pitbulls. And they are only a 6% of the dog population. It means that when you own one, you should know what you get into, because bites do not stem from aggressiveness or behavior, they stem from breeding. While other dogs may attack sooner, Pitbulls attacks are unpredictable, because it comes out of nowhere. It can't be determined how nice a Pitbull is. Centuries of breeding, and then bad breeding for the last 30 years by retards that want a badass dog.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
But death by dogbites is what really matters and that is 65% coming from one breed, Pitbulls. And they are only a 6% of the dog population. It means that when you own one, you should know what you get into, because bites do not stem from aggressiveness or behavior, they stem from breeding. While other dogs may attack sooner, Pitbulls attacks are unpredictable, because it comes out of nowhere. It can't be determined how nice a Pitbull is. Centuries of breeding, and then bad breeding for the last 30 years by retards that want a badass dog.
Problem with this is that if a dog has short hair and muscles it's labeled Pitbull. I've seen multiple strata docs that ban "Pitbull types" or "bully breeds" which is just a lazy catch all. I'm not arguing the breed is innocent but it's name is far too often attached to non pitbulls to make the story easy to sell. Ever hear of an American Staffordshire Terrier getting into trouble? Doubtful, probably because it's not a great headline or spooky name like a pitbull.

If your not a dog person even a boxer can can mistaken for an Amstaf, American bulldog or pit just as easy.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Problem with this is that if a dog has short hair and muscles it's labeled Pitbull. I've seen multiple strata docs that ban "Pitbull types" or "bully breeds" which is just a lazy catch all. I'm not arguing the breed is innocent but it's name is far too often attached to non pitbulls to make the story easy to sell. Ever hear of an American Staffordshire Terrier getting into trouble? Doubtful, probably because it's not a great headline or spooky name like a pitbull.

If your not a dog person even a boxer can can mistaken for an Amstaf, American bulldog or pit just as easy.
That is correct. But those dog breeds are also listed as "aggressive" or dangerous breeds. But yes, it is easier to say Pitbull. I would get a good insurance policy, and it may be required in some states when owning a home or renting.

To add, these are sweet dogs. I've seen cuntier other breeds like Poodles. But what I've also seen is, a Pitbull snapping on a girl without any signs of aggressiveness. I was one of those people that would come to the rescue when they hit the news, but I think we have to be realistic. The Pitbull has been made popular and sold as manageble by TV show, etc. I do not think it has done the breed any good though.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
That is correct. But those dog breeds are also listed as "aggressive" or dangerous breeds. But yes, it is easier to say Pitbull. I would get a good insurance policy, and it may be required in some states when owning a home or renting.
Probably a good idea. My dad had to put his German Shepherd down as it bite a few neighbourhood kids. He dodged a lawsuit by paying off kids dad lol.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Probably a good idea. My dad had to put his German Shepherd down as it bite a few neighbourhood kids. He dodged a lawsuit by paying off kids dad lol.
A Shepard is not an aggressive dog, but it requires absolute discipline, and then you have a beautiful dog that will die for you. My brother had one of these...

..but this dog was disciplined, and I mean disciplined. That motherfucker would listen.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
A Shepard is not an aggressive dog, but it requires absolute discipline, and then you have a beautiful dog that will die for you. My brother had one of these...

..but this dog was disciplined, and I mean disciplined. That motherfucker would listen.
Ya I agree. I do blame my dad 100%. He's the type of guy who loves everything about being a dog owner except actually taking care of it. It was from a line of working dogs that lived to get shit done and when my dad got him it just became crazy from being in a fenced acre lot, sad. I'd love to get another dog or two again but we're on a townhouse now and with young kids I don't have the time. Maybe in 10 years or so.