Personal Who else has a Fu#@!*up back?

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Gay For Longo

*insert Matt Serra meme
Jan 22, 2016
I would get the surgery. Bad back is something I'm so afraid of. Sleep on your back friends.
Sleep on your back is good advice, put pillows under your knees if you have to

Best thing I ever did for my back was spend the money on a damn good bed though

Highly recommend

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
My back has crippled me twice. When it goes, I can't walk, turns into sciatica and I'm fucked for weeks. Had X ray and MRI and my disc is basically gone.

Not had a flare up for a couple of years. I do dorsal raises with weights to strengthen it and just ignore the muscular pain, cos it's my back tightening up to protect an injury that has already healed. If it aches from too much standing, I lay down to relieve it.

I can still wrestle and do backflips, so I guess it's manageable.
The idea of me being able to wrestle right now is quite comical....thanks for the chuckle :)

I could never do a back flip, so I won't even imagine that part.

If I was the Karate Kid, it would be easy as fuck for you to sweep my left leg. I'd fall down like a sack of bricks, and I'd be down for the count.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
The name changes....I can't keep up. I also didn't know that was him

Sparkuri is a good dude, I've always enjoyed his posting on the forum.
Who is sparkuri?

I swear that dude has like 25 alter egos


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I heard he was a Russian hacker
I heard he was sent back in time by the machines to found Fiji water.

The machines learned that war leads to resistance, they will poison us with the thing we need the most!

Delicious Fiji water!

Gay For Longo

*insert Matt Serra meme
Jan 22, 2016
I heard he was sent back in time by the machines to found Fiji water.

The machines learned that war leads to resistance, they will poison us with the thing we need the most!

Delicious Fiji water!
Those damn, glorious machines

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Well, fuck. Another restless night.

Getting another injection today at 1pm. Fingers fucking crossed!

Trying to stay positive, one advantage of sleepless nights is that I've been watching the sun rise a lot lately. There's something about a winter morning sunrise :)


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
S1-L5 bulges to the left L5-L4 bulges to the right with a herniation

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
S1-L5 bulges to the left L5-L4 bulges to the right with a herniation
You qualify! Welcome to the cripple club :D

The two discs in my back that give me the trouble, my doc says are "ruptured". I'm not sure what the difference is between ruptured/herniated/bulging. Does that all basically mean the same?

Have you, or anyone else, successfully used CBD for inflammation?

I have a variety of indicas, but no CBD. Want to give it a try. Just got my hands on some wax too. Holy moly, that shit be potent. Tres Star I believe is the strain.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
You qualify! Welcome to the cripple club :D

The two discs in my back that give me the trouble, my doc says are "ruptured". I'm not sure what the difference is between ruptured/herniated/bulging. Does that all basically mean the same?

Have you, or anyone else, successfully used CBD for inflammation?

I have a variety of indicas, but no CBD. Want to give it a try. Just got my hands on some wax too. Holy moly, that shit be potent. Tres Star I believe is the strain.
I havent used straight cbd but i do get edibles with both thc and cbd that help me greatly and get me a good nights sleep

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Well, just got another injection. The instant relief from the lidocaine that is mixed in with the cortisone is nothing short of amazing. Unfortunately that will wear off in a couple hours. I have high hopes that this second injection will do the trick. For Christmas, I'm buying myself a new MRI Friday morning. That way the doc can see if it's the same old thing, or if I have something new going on.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
My dad, brother and sister have all had back surgery. I lucked out and haven't had any serious trouble.

Although a couple years ago I was chopping wood for about 4 or 5 hours. Came inside and turned on the football game. Cracked open a beer. About 15 minutes later I went to get up to take a piss and a spasm hit me from nowhere. I couldn't get up. The pain was unbelievable - so bad I couldn't breathe. I finally forced myself to roll off the couch and ended up on my hands and knees, which proved to be the only position I could be in that wasn't excruciatingly painful. It took me a solid 30 minutes to get my lower back muscles to calm the fuck down to the point where I could actually stand up.

That shit is no joke. For those of you with back pain - you have my sympathies. Horrible.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
My dad, brother and sister have all had back surgery. I lucked out and haven't had any serious trouble.

Although a couple years ago I was chopping wood for about 4 or 5 hours. Came inside and turned on the football game. Cracked open a beer. About 15 minutes later I went to get up to take a piss and a spasm hit me from nowhere. I couldn't get up. The pain was unbelievable - so bad I couldn't breathe. I finally forced myself to roll off the couch and ended up on my hands and knees, which proved to be the only position I could be in that wasn't excruciatingly painful. It took me a solid 30 minutes to get my lower back muscles to calm the fuck down to the point where I could actually stand up.

That shit is no joke. For those of you with back pain - you have my sympathies. Horrible.
Yeah man, it sucks fo sho!

What you just described is how the last two and a half weeks have been for me. I have moments where I feel like in losing my mind. I just can't get away from it, and it is hard not to focus on it and stress out even more. I'm doing a little better today after the second injection yesterday. The medicine takes a few days to fully kick in, so I should know how much relief it will provide over the next several days. Still have my fingers fucking crossed.

It's hard to stay in a healthy mental state, and it's peaks and valleys for me. I'm feeling really guilty about not being able to take my son to see Santa and all the other shit I haven't been able to donwith him this holiday season.


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
my back can give me hell at times, nowhere near the damage some of you guys are describing, sorry to hear that.

I picked up an inversion table not too long ago & it has helped. not sure if it's an option for some of you, but worth a look if so.

a Glucosamine/Chrondroitin supplement might also help.