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Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
That's hilarious, I totally get it. Republicans are all whiney and racist lol.

Thank god we have brave comedians like John Oliver and Stephen Colbert who have the guts to make fun of Republicans. Trump and the Republican Party have had such an easy ride from comedians for so long, it's great to see they're finally getting taken to task.

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
That's hilarious, I totally get it. Republicans are all whiney and racist lol.

Thank god we have brave comedians like John Oliver and Stephen Colbert who have the guts to make fun of Republicans. Trump and the Republican Party have had such an easy ride from comedians for so long, it's great to see they're finally getting taken to task.
Are you crying about "Fake Comedy" now?


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Not crying at all, I think it's great that comedians today have the guts to go after hard targets like Republicans. That'll show em!
I love that people criticizing Trump's employment policies have jobs predicated on Donald Trump being president.

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
Washington Post weather department yesterday.

This fucking moron today;

This is the President of the United States. He is dumber than my dumbest uncle.


Nov 15, 2015
Washington Post weather department yesterday.

This fucking moron today;

This is the President of the United States. He is dumber than my dumbest uncle.

Easily predictable dotard is easily predictable


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Washington Post weather department yesterday.

This fucking moron today;

This is the President of the United States. He is dumber than my dumbest uncle.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
NYT reporting that FBI investigation began due to a tip off from Aussie officials after Papadopoulus got drunk in London and told Australia's High Commissioner (Ambassador) to the UK that the Russians had dirt on Clinton.

I don't expect the hillbillies who play the Rusty Trumpbone on here to understand the significance of this, but it puts to bed the idea that the investigation is a Democrat conspiracy.

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
NYT reporting that FBI investigation began due to a tip off from Aussie officials after Papadopoulus got drunk in London and told Australia's High Commissioner (Ambassador) to the UK that the Russians had dirt on Clinton.

I don't expect the hillbillies who play the Rusty Trumpbone on here to understand the significance of this, but it puts to bed the idea that the investigation is a Democrat conspiracy.
seems like a distraction from the Trump dossier that was used by the FBI to begin spying on Trump, though it does seem obvious that Russia hacked Hillary's toilet server & they also bribed her to get uranium. with how corrupt the FBI & DOJ was before Trump I don't think they have much credibility & the idea of a drunk staffer telling some Aussie is what kicked off a witch hunt is laughable