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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Trump Jr. just got caught in a salacious pornography scandal on Twitter
The president’s most openly despised son, Donald Trump Jr., set the Twittersphere afire this afternoon when the TrumpAlert bot account tweeted out that the current head of the Trump organization had followed a Twitter account, titled @djr_102.

The alert account monitors the social media of the presidential family and sends out blast alerts when its members follow new accounts.

What makes this otherwise innocuous event noteworthy is that the @djr_102 account is filled with sexually explicit tweets, images, and GIFS.

Posts alternate between graphic, pornographic pictures and strange statements about the user’s personal sexual activity. It has over 13,200 followers, so perhaps Trump Jr. thought he would be able to slip in unnoticed.

Many users were quick to mock Junior because of the inherent irony of a prominent Republican publicly endorsing pornography. The GOP is fond of moralistic rhetoric and policy, often shaming people for their sexual orientations and behavior, so there is a delicious irony in Trump Jr.’s activity. The party of “family values” would certainly disapprove of the rough material the First Son seems to prefer.