For AFTER you see Star Wars Ep. 8 [SPOILERS]

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Jul 20, 2016
This thread is for discussing Star Wars. Spoilers included. Will still put everything behind spoiler tags though.


Jul 20, 2016
1. I really liked the scene where Snoke tells Kylo Ren that he isn't the new Vader, he's just a child in a mask (and then Kylo smashes his helmet). Snoke is so manipulative, because the irony of it is that one of the central points of episodes 1-3 was just that - that Darth Vader is really just a kid in a mask.

2. The theme of the young stepping up and taking over from the older folks runs throughout the movie. This sucks in a way for major fans, but is a good concept for them to push, so they can keep introducing new characters down the line and not get wrapped up in specific actors once they get past the Rey/Ben Solo storyline.

3. The idea that there are no more Jedi masters is great, because Luke's main point that he taught Rey on that island was that even without Jedi masters, the force is still there and has its own will to seek balance. Snoke essentially taught Kylo Ren the same concept - he said the force would create someone on the light side (Rey) to counterbalance Ren's darkness. At the end we see the slave child reach for the broom, and it comes to him just enough for you to notice. It's a new beginning, and the point is that the force will show itself whether there's someone to teach people about it or not.

4. There was no "big reveal" regarding Snoke and who he was. It may come in the next movie, and a further revelation about Rey may come in the next movie as well, but for right now they're both very powerful people from nothing and nowhere in particular really. This continues the theme that Anakin came from essentially nothing as well, and the slave child at the end of the movie fits this picture also. Rey is more powerful than Ben Solo. They keep talking about his power, but she is shown as being stronger than him in their scenes. Finn follows this theme as well, even though he's not of the force bent.

5. I didn't like how much death was in this movie. It wasn't just all the people dying, it was also how personal they made the deaths. This accurately reflects people in a war, but it was very hard to watch right from the beginning of the movie. Don't watch this movie if you're depressed, and definitely don't let children watch this movie. Like episode 3, this movie was made for adults who were fans of the original Star Wars, not for kids Imo.

Along these lines, I did not like that even though Poe eventually learns how to make better decisions as a leader, he never really acknowledges the individuals whose lives he essentially took by disobeying Leia. Good for a war mentality, but I found it annoying. I still like his character though.

6. Throughout the movie, they say kind of silly things, or silly things happen, and you're supposed to just suspend disbelief and go with it - like "now that our big door is closed they can't attack us from orbit". Like really? Also near the end, when all the storm troopers get wiped out but somehow Finn and Rose are just fine. Right, ok. And Rose just happened to be familiar with the planet with the codebreaker. But I was happy to play along, just a little too aware that I had to do that.

7. Not thrilled with Luke's death. Hope he shows up as an astral projection in the next movie. Also, it definitely looked like there were some ancient Jedi-style texts in a drawer on the Falcon at one point - not sure I saw it right, though.

8. I am cool with astral projection being the next big Jedi thing. I thought it was great that Snoke claimed to connect their minds, but they were still connected later, and you have to wonder if Luke did that, or they just know how to do it now, or else Snoke was just messing with them and they were always doing it themselves.

9. A bunch of people said they really liked the character of Kylo Ren much more in this movie, and I agree, they did a good job with him.

Please share your thoughts after you see the movie, even if you don't read through all of mine!
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Apr 18, 2015
Just leaving the theatre. Here are my initial feelings:

1) Good pacing and directing mostly. We got to see Rian Johnson's talent as a great action filmmaker in a much bigger stage than he's used to. Excited to see what he does next once free of a franchise leash.

2) Okay script that had punchiness to lighten some of the darker parts. Strayed over the line into cheesiness a bit too often but that's a part of the franchise going back to the original trilogy. Despite how grim this film was, most of the characters got a gag in. I prefer keeping the comic relief to a character or two like they did with C3P0 and Han in the original trilogy, but it worked for the most part. Except with Luke, who I felt they should have played straight the whole time.

3) Kylo and Rey were fantastic and had good chemistry in their scenes. I hated Kylo in episode 7, but he really grew on me. Rey was really great.

4) Finn and Rose did a good acting job, but their scenes really felt like a B story that I just wanted to skip through. They just had a lot going on with the side trip and it felt like they tried to cram too much into the B plot.

5) Poe is cool, but a walking cliche. He's supposed to be our new Han, but he's not really saying or doing anything meaningful to his character development, just pushing the plot along.

6) Leia had the most awesome scene of the movie.

7) Snoke, wtf?

8) I wanted more of a cliffhanger ending. There's still unfinished business, but not with the same dread as Empire or even Attack of the Clones.

In all I liked it. Fresh out of the theatre I'd give it a 7.5 out of 10 on the big budget blockbuster scale. Rogue One was better. Empire is still king.


Apr 18, 2015
Follow-up thoughts:

This film more than any other really adds to the mythology of the Star Wars Universe, both in terms of what's possible with the force and with the political elements of the galaxy.

Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
Kylo remains my favourite character of the new breed.
Glad Poe had a bigger role this time around.
Didn't care for Rose and I still don't like Finn.
The Yoda appearance was a bit much.
Flying through space Leia made me laugh out loud.
RIP Ackbar

Good looking film. I'm excited for episode 9 as I have no idea what's going to happen.

The next trilogy is in good hands with Johnson.

Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
I think some of the people that complained about Kylo will appreciate him more this time around.

Force Awakens echoing A New Hope didn't bother me like it did others but I'm glad this wasn't "another Empire". Though that wouldn't have bothered me either. I think people need to adjust their expectations. This is Star Wars for a new generation with nods to the originals for older fans and it was planned as a trilogy so the story is meant to stretch out over three movies.

I'm just going to keep rambling so I'll stop there. Obviously people that don't like the movies are entitled to their opinions but these are great Star Wars movies we're getting.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2016
who is snoke tho? all powerful sith lord who could push and manipulate kylo and rey.. has advanced powers like the palpatine and yoda and yet couldn't foresee the light saber by his side being force manipulated by kylo of all people.. i felt the movie should have told more of his story and how he came to kylo and the first order rather than some of the other story lines.. maybe they will touch upon it in the next movie.. but this movie could have really benefited from the tug a war between snoke and luke over kylo.. than the rose and fin arc imo.. a good movie.. esp for kids but left more questions than answers


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
Way to many "gotcha" moments. They closed no plot holes but opened many more. All but about 30 minutes of the film was pointless and it dragged way to long focusing on characters that no one cares about. It was entertaining but could have been so much better if they focused on the Jedi.

so long

Posting Machine
Dec 16, 2015
There should be a spoof fan-cut, where TFA ends just 10 seconds later in time. You know, Rey goes up to Luke, they look at each other, Luke tosses the Light Saber and while it's still in the air, the credits start rolling :D


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
and the entire series continues to hinge on Chewbacca being able to bail the rebels out.


Nov 15, 2015
Saw it yesterday finally... after managing to avoid most spoilers.
This is a good/decent "Rogue One" movie.
This is a shit "Star Wars" movie.
This movie could have done without Skywalker, and been the same movie. He was wasted
It's more like a spinoff.



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Saw it yesterday finally... after managing to avoid most spoilers.
This is a good/decent "Rogue One" movie.
This is a shit "Star Wars" movie.
This movie could have done without Skywalker, and been the same movie. He was wasted
It's more like a spinoff.

The entire Finn/Rose/Benicio DelToro story arc also had no bearing on the outcome of the movie.


Posting Machine
Oct 21, 2015
You couldn't even be mad when he clowned them because nobody cares about their story.


Feb 2, 2016
Fuck Carrie Poppins floating through space like is all I got to say. Almost ruined the entire movie for me. I agree the finn rose story was pointless and non interesting. It seems like they waste almost all of the characters they give you.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
I loved how diverse it was, and I also loved how strong the female leads were.

Poe is all trying to mansplain to the General and she's like "duh, I know, stop mansplainin to me." And of course if the dumb men like Poe had just listened to the General and accepted her leadership, everything would have worked out fine. And of course the General had to sacrifice herself to clean up the mess made by the men.

Would Poe have questioned her leadership if it was a man coming up with the plan and giving orders? Nope.


Stay gold
Nov 21, 2016
Fuck Carrie Poppins floating through space like is all I got to say. Almost ruined the entire movie for me. I agree the finn rose story was pointless and non interesting. It seems like they waste almost all of the characters they give you.
There was more than one audible 'What The Fuck?, laughs and snorts of disgust when that happened in the theatre I was in.

As much as I loved the end on that planet why the hell did the Imperial army have to go down there? Poe makes some bullshit line about them not being able to blast though that door from orbit and they don't explain it anymore. They can blow up planets from orbit for fucks sake, why can't they just blow up the whole damn mountain?