General FISA: Title VII Section 702

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Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
case in point:

Congressional Budget Incompetence Can't Compete with Spankgate, Girthergate, Shitgazi
Since Shitgazi hit the fan, so much new has happened. In no particular order, we've dealt with "Girthergate," in which the president's detractors claim that Donald Trump is actually much, much fatter than he already plainly appears to be. No way, say the girthers, that the former beauty-pageant tycoon and serial fat-shamer is a svelte 239 pounds as his doctor claims! We've met Stormy Daniels, a porn star who has publicly denied reports that she had a sexual relationship with the married Trump starting in 2006; she also denies that she was paid $130,000 in hush money to keep quiet. The Wall Street Journal, in a compelling display of old-style investigative journalism, says she and Trump are lying and its reporters have followed a payoff trail through a complicated financial setup involving Delaware-based shell companies. A sub-scandal in this story has also gotten a lot of ink: "Stormy Daniels Once Claimed She Spanked Donald Trump With a Forbes Magazine." If that isn't enough for you to swear off print for good and go all-digital, there remains the hotly debated question of whether the particular issue featured a cover story on Trump himself or his daughter Ivanka, about whom he has said some weird shit. Trump also released the winners of his "fake news" awards, too, which he defined mostly as any news account hostile to him and his agenda.

If this was a Marx Brothers movie, this would be all good, dirty fun. But we're dealing with situations a tad more serious. Over the past week, both houses of Congress, in a rare but depressing show of bipartisanship, overwhelmingly approved renewal of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which effectively allows the government to spy not simply on foreign agents but on U.S. citizens. As Scott Shackford explains, "This bill doesn't just renew Section 702 for six years; it also codifies permission for the FBI to access and use data secretly collected from Americans for a host of domestic federal crimes that have nothing to do with protecting America from foreign threats." While the legislation awaits Donald Trump's signature into law, dissenting members of Congress have called for publishing a classified four-page memo that they say "reveals alleged United States government surveillance abuses [that are]...'shocking,' 'troubling' and 'alarming,' with one congressman likening the details to KGB activity in Russia." In a Senate that has been incapable of passing an actual budget in forever, a bipartisan group of senators led by Democrat Ron Wyden and Republican Rand Paul were shut down when they tried to filibuster FISA renewal. FISAgate just can't compete with Spankgate, it seems.

we need to stop wallowing in the mire of everyday stupidity and fix our gaze on important things such as passing a federal budget, ending effectively warrantless surveillance on Americans, and hammering out immigration laws that reflect the best hopes of our country and not our darkest fears.


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
Rep. Ted Poe calls on Trump to postpone signing FISA reauthorization until surveillance memo is released

Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, on Friday called on President Trump to postpone signing a Congress-approved bill reauthorizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act until the contents of a House Intelligence Committee memo on alleged surveillance abuses.

“While I cannot comment on contents of the classified memo that the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released yesterday, we can say that we find its conclusions extremely concerning,” Poe said in a statement, referring to the release of the report to House members only after a party-line vote within the intelligence panel.

Poe, who is not a member of the intelligence panel, added his voice to a chorus of fellow Republicans calling for the memo's public release, despite opposition from Democrats. He said legislation giving six more years of life to the key counterterrorism surveillance tool that passed both chambers of Congress this month should be put on hold by Trump.

“I believe that the information that is contained in the top-secret memo would have been critical to know prior to the reauthorization of FISA. Members of Congress who voted to re-authorize FISA did not have adequate information about how the program has been used to cast their vote. I urge President Trump to postpone signing the FISA reauthorization into law and urge this information is made public," Poe said.

Trump last week complained yet again, without proof, about the Obama administration using the FISA provision to justify the "unmasking" of members of his campaign who were caught up in the surveillance of foreign nationals before changing his tune to one that reflected his administration's support for the reauthorization of the measure.

Poe had supported an unsuccessful amendment to FISA to address Trump's concerns, as well as those of some Republican and Democratic lawmakers, about privacy protections for U.S. citizens, and called its defeat a "loss for freedom and the Fourth Amendment."

“The USA Rights Act would have reformed Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to end warrantless backdoor searches by the government of Americans' communications (calls, emails, texts) that are routinely swept up under a program designed to spy on foreign targets, not Americans," Poe said last week.

The question of whether the memo is publicly released will ultimately be up to the president.

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, explained the process for releasing the memo on Thursday.

"Here is the process: Chairman [Devin] Nunes in the Intelligence Committee in the House he can he bring the committee back together. They can have a vote. If the majority of the committee votes to release these documents, the executive branch gets a certain amount of time to review them. If the executive branch gives the thumbs up they go public," he told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "This could happen real quick. Chairman Nunes is committed to getting this information to the public."

Jordan's Freedom Caucus colleague, Rep. Mark Meadows, asked House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., to authorize a vote on releasing the memo, and Ryan chose to defer to Nunes for the decision, Politico reported.

The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, called the memo a "profoundly misleading set of talking points."

“[T]he Majority voted today on a party-line basis to grant House Members access to a profoundly misleading set of talking points drafted by Republican staff attacking the FBI and its handling of the investigation,” Schiff, D-Calif., in a statement. “Rife with factual inaccuracies and referencing highly classified materials that most of Republican Intelligence Committee members were forced to acknowledge they had never read, this is meant only to give Republican House members a distorted view of the FBI.”


Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
"not the same law"

Americans are fucked and they don't even know it.

The word Nazi is tossed around like Paige Van Zant at a UFC Exclusive party but America has taken the exact playbook from the Nazi's and the rise of Hitler.

Nazi rise to power started with the Reichstag Fire
The American Police State started with 9/11.

Both Inside Jobs ...both used to strip the people of their rights.