I'd be surprised if she wasn't. I wouldn't however be surprised if she declined.Why wasnt Stacy Keibler invited?
Nuclear heat!!! Nuclear heat!!!Matt Hardy was just squashed. Didnt even bother to make it not look like he was doing the job
Undertaker Cryptic promo.Tuned in during Alexa's promo. What've I missed?
You know who likes nostalgia? EVERYONE!!!!Undertaker Cryptic promo.
Miz wins IC title w/ shenanigans
Asuka won 8 women tag match, proceeded to throw all her teammates over the rope
Something something Rollins and Jordan hate each other
Its not an anniversary show without him. Even the Imposter Trump who defeated Imposter Rosie would have been sweet.Anyone else hoping Donald Trump makes an appearance?
He's one of few guys that "gets it"Elias is building that old school heat. Insult the crowd then cheat.
Yea but has Mean Gene ever not been old?AJ using Hogans line was exactly what I was hoping forMean Gene looking worse then Natch, and Natch almost fucking died.
Are they really pushing that angle at all?Anyone else think the Club should help out AJ in his handicap match?
Gallows, Anderson and Balor reunited a couple weeks ago.Are they really pushing that angle at all?