General Justin Trudeau: I say PEOPLEkind instead of MANkind because it's more inclusive!

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el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
That's a cool Zorro outfit. Or is it a Musketeers outfit. Good for him, the guy is having fun.
Charles Ogier de Batz de Castlemore, Comte de D'Atragnan ;)

He is behind all of the same arms deals, dirty wars and pipelines as his predecessor, but educated white folk in Canada love the way he spouts gobbledygook and carries on in public. It's an image that works in my country in the same way Trump's image works in yours. But they're fundamentally the same guy.


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Haha, I am tired. I had to go back and edit that for typos three times ^^^


Respectfully man you are reading way too much into it. The fact that that "peoplekind" is the worst you can say about Trudeau proves what a solid guy he is. I see most people on here are insecure and get jealous of him being a pretty boy, not you, but you can tell by how many posters comment about the guy. yet look at our own Pres, Trump is gonna go down probably is literally the least effective worst president in our history, I would take Trudeau and his "pandering" over Trumps retarded mind any day.
It's not the worst I could say about him, why would you assume it was?


There's no win in trying to play the PC game. This is a prime example.
I think this is what infuriated me about the whole thing when I was just a teenager, it was evident then that this was the only direction things would go....and soon enough the pendulum will swing...


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
I think this is what infuriated me about the whole thing when I was just a teenager, it was evident then that this was the only direction things would go....and soon enough the pendulum will swing...
Well, what started out with good intentions... became a pissing contest. The left became intolerant, even of its own, the ones who dare to question actions like these. As traditionally left leaning I cannot defend this word game without a straight face. It leaves me without a political home, stuck in the middle. And maybe the middle is where we all need to come to stop the lunacy on both ends. Bring back that balance. Because an entirely left, or entirely right country will not survive.

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
Well, what started out with good intentions... became a pissing contest. The left became intolerant, even of its own, the ones who dare to question actions like these. As traditionally left leaning I cannot defend this word game without a straight face. It leaves me without a political home, stuck in the middle. And maybe the middle is where we all need to come to stop the lunacy on both ends. Bring back that balance. Because an entirely left, or entirely right country will not survive.
the most disturbing thing about that video was the audience clapping like trained seals


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
It's not the worst I could say about him, why would you assume it was?

Well what worse can you say? I live in the US, not Canada so I am not aware of every stance and bill and angle he operates with. I am sure he is not perfect, but I don't think he will go down in Canadien history of your worst leader. Trump is on pace to possibly do that.

Even the 1 substantial thing Trump has passed, Tax reform, is a fraud. If you search what Economists say about his tax plan, it is widely condemned. Problem is 80% of Trump voters are just ignorant people that can't even understand he is not doing anything. He failed at healthcare reform, he failed at building his stupid wall. He put in play an attorney general in Jeff Sessions who is going against and abusing the iwll of people by cracking down on states the legalive marijuana. On and On

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
Problem is 80% of Trump voters are just ignorant people that can't even understand he is not doing anything.
Could be that the Trump supporters are ignorant, or it could be you. This is a little outdated & much of his analysis is laughable here, but his main point is true, while the media catches the vapors about whatever the latest Russia BS is or Trump's tweets, he gets a lot done While You Obsessed Over Trump's Scandals, He's Fundamentally Changed The Country | HuffPost


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Could be that the Trump supporters are ignorant, or it could be you. This is a little outdated & much of his analysis is laughable here, but his main point is true, while the media catches the vapors about whatever the latest Russia BS is or Trump's tweets, he gets a lot done While You Obsessed Over Trump's Scandals, He's Fundamentally Changed The Country | HuffPost

LOL, fundamentally changed the country for the worse.

He is getting what done? Firing his own cabinet? Having to deal with Mueller? Trying to see governors and mayors of cities? Getting judges to keep pushing back on his travel ban?

Thanks for the comedy

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
LOL, fundamentally changed the country for the worse.

He is getting what done? Firing his own cabinet? Having to deal with Mueller? Trying to see governors and mayors of cities? Getting judges to keep pushing back on his travel ban?

Thanks for the comedy
you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink..


Well what worse can you say?
He's a politician.
If you know someone drawn to being a politician, then that person is probably a cunt.
Those people are self-serving and lie as common practice, you do know that don't you?
Their whole shtick is to play sides, foment division and then gamble their position on where they think the splits and fractures will happen.
It's unreal how some people put their trust in one side or the other.

Exhibit A


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
He's a politician.
If you know someone drawn to being a politician, then that person is probably a cunt.
Those people are self-serving and lie as common practice, you do know that don't you?
Their whole shtick is to play sides, foment division and then gamble their position on where they think the splits and fractures will happen.
It's unreal how some people put their trust in one side or the other.

Exhibit A

So what are you saying? Of course politicos are like that, you still need to at least pick the lesser of the 2 evils. You think Marco Rubio or Rand Paul are perfect? they are not, but they still would be better than Trump.

Bernie is probably the one guy that goes against your logic, Bernie is actually for the people but he was too good and too pure and Debbie Wasserman and the DNC completley threw him under the bus and chose Hillary.

There is a difference from being able to negotiate and work with people and just lying and manipulating people. Its not black and while only. I agree with you in principle but you still need to at least pick the lesser shitty option.

So do you not vote, do you simply say "fuck em all " and just kind of avoid it?


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
You asked me what would be a worse thing to say about him (presumably true) so I did that.

That's stupid thinking.

Again, I asked you a direct simple question.

I already know most politicos are crooked but listen to yourself. Are you saying since we can't trust them that we should just give up and not vote and not debate?

Do you vote or not. Do you vote for your major elections, yes or no. Do you vote for your local politicians, yes or no. If you say no, then you are part of the problem and why things are so fucked up in the world. People that operate that way really have no room to complain at all. If you say yes then you are a clear hypocrite.

Which is it?


Again, I asked you a direct simple question.
I couldn't have answered you more bluntly.
I already know most politicos are crooked but listen to yourself. Are you saying since we can't trust them that we should just give up and not vote and not debate?
Do you vote or not. Do you vote for your major elections, yes or no. Do you vote for your local politicians, yes or no. If you say no, then you are part of the problem and why things are so fucked up in the world.
Imagine there's something you don't know about me that precludes your presumptions: I live in a country where I can't vote because I'm not a citizen of it.
People that operate that way really have no room to complain at all. If you say yes then you are a clear hypocrite.
People often like to pretend they know more than they do, one of the dead giveaways is to set out a false paradigm on an issue- you are coming off like one of those people.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015

So you are not a citizen and you can't vote, yet somehow you seem to also dance around questions that are stunningly simple LOL.

What country where you a citizen of, and did you vote there and how often? Did you vote for only national elections in your previous country that you where a citizen of? Did you also vote for local election in your former country?

Once you become a citizen of Canada will you plan to vote and for national and local electoins or not?

Let's wait and see if you can answer these simple questions lol.


So you are not a citizen and you can't vote, yet somehow you seem to also dance around questions that are stunningly simple LOL.
You seem determined to paint me as whoever it is you had predetermined before you became combative. What you're obviously unprepared for is that I don't fit the mould. I am a citizen of one country and live in another for most of the year.
The answer I gave you should have allowed you to come to some conclusions.
Stop wasting your energy on this. You were wrong, move on.

edit: I feel like I'm talking to Cathy Newman here. smh.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
You seem determined to paint me as whoever it is you had predetermined before you became combative. What you're obviously unprepared for is that I don't fit the mould. I am a citizen of one country and live in another for most of the year.
The answer I gave you should have allowed you to come to some conclusions.
Stop wasting your energy on this. You were wrong, move on.

edit: I feel like I'm talking to Cathy Newman here. smh.


Again, why are you unable and so afraid to answe ra simple question, I know why because you will be proven a hypocrite.

Did you vote in your former country yes or no

Do you plan to vote once you become a citizen?

either way its not looking good for you. Either you will be proven as a hypocrite or you will be proven as a person who never votes, then comes on forums to complain all the while doing zero in actuality LOL.