Anthony Joshua - natty? Is it possible?

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Posting Machine
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Jan 18, 2015
Do you guys think AJ is a clean athlete, completely PED free? Is a physique like his possible without drugs?

It's not just the mass, but how lean he is, that makes me wonder.

For what it's worth, I don't think Wlad's physique is obtainable natty either. The amount of mass maintained, absolutely shredded, while participating in such a endurance based sport. Just defies logic to me.

Anyway, what do you guys think? Are the bext HW boxers in the world natty? Yes I'm aware of the testing protocol, but I do believe at the highest levels they can be passed by anyone with enough money. I think most guys at the top of the fight game (and in all sports) are probably juicing.

Megatron Robinson

Jul 26, 2015
Ive known some brothers who are absolutely cut and yoked naturally like that but none of them were champions or as tall/wide as Joshua. In my 20s i had a friend, who at 160-170 some-odd lbs and only took protein, could max bench something like 315lbs. He was ridiculously ripped and striated too.

I think it's possible but idk if people competeting at a high level are doing it clean and fair. If I was at that level, I'd probably take everything under the sun just so long as I didn't fail a test.

I'm still dumb enough to give competitors the benefit of the doubt until they get caught or have several suspect elements coming into play.

Being ripped and swole is not enough for me.

Show me the back ache, major physical changes or dick pills coming back positive and I'll feel less naive.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
It is possible but anything boxing related makes a brother skeptic


Posting Machine
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Jan 18, 2015
Even if it's naturally possible to look that way, is it naturally possible to maintain such lean mass in a sport that requires insane amounts of conditioning and stamina? Seems counter intuitive


TMMAC Addict
Jun 13, 2016
I want to believe it, but I doubt it. Natty is relative, he will have a doctor telling him what he can and cant take. Probably get TUE's from UKADA too. We might never find out about them, but he will claim to have Asthma or sore joints or something to get a TUE. No doubt.

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
Just a reminder.. except for special circumstances where it's requested by the fighters, boxing is just dealing with athletic commission testing. Not USADA/WADA unless it's negotiated into the contracts.

Megatron Robinson

Jul 26, 2015
Im really excited for the eventual Wilder/Joshua match up, btw.

Also, I think Klitschko would decision Joshua in a rematch.

jimmy boogaloo

General Links/Your Account
Nov 15, 2017
Just a reminder.. except for special circumstances where it's requested by the fighters, boxing is just dealing with athletic commission testing. Not USADA/WADA unless it's negotiated into the contracts.
ha does that mean piss in a cup on fight night? even tim sylvia got his cycling right for that, on occasion.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Just a reminder.. except for special circumstances where it's requested by the fighters, boxing is just dealing with athletic commission testing. Not USADA/WADA unless it's negotiated into the contracts.
it was different for the Wlad/Joshua fight, they were tested many times leading into it. Special circumstances as you mentioned. But I should bring it up, Since Joshua is the subject at hand.

Still let's not forget. Some of the most infamous PED users in sports history never failed a single test, even with Olympic style testing far more intense than this.


TMMAC Addict
Jun 13, 2016
Just a reminder.. except for special circumstances where it's requested by the fighters, boxing is just dealing with athletic commission testing. Not USADA/WADA unless it's negotiated into the contracts.
That is in the USA.

I wonder if he is covered by UKADA, most athletes are in the UK in any sport. I will google.


TMMAC Addict
Jun 13, 2016
Just a reminder.. except for special circumstances where it's requested by the fighters, boxing is just dealing with athletic commission testing. Not USADA/WADA unless it's negotiated into the contracts.
Anthony Joshua's anti-doping record revealed ahead of Joseph Parker fight

OK I cant confirm the source but it seems he is signed up to the whereabouts system that UKADA run for athletes and is tested based on that. The records arent public so we cant really verify it.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Well they don't have to deal with the drug testing that UFC athletes do, so I think most of them were using something.

And as they should. Athletes should be able to avail of the best in science.


Feb 24, 2015
"Supplements" or not, Anthony Joshua's got great genetics. Looking at old photos of his dad, you can tell the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.



Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Well they don't have to deal with the drug testing that UFC athletes do, so I think most of them were using something.

And as they should. Athletes should be able to avail of the best in science.

Just athletes, or should the common citizen have rights to participate in the same experiment?

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Just athletes, or should the common citizen have rights to participate in the same experiment?
Anyone. Why does the government get to tell me what I can and can't put in my body.

As a citizen I can go to a doctor and tell him "wahhh I feel tired a lot" and he'll give me some testosterone shots, but a combat athlete who actually needs that shit can't use it? Don't make no sense to me.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Anyone. Why does the government get to tell me what I can and can't put in my body.

As a citizen I can go to a doctor and tell him "wahhh I feel tired a lot" and he'll give me some testosterone shots, but a combat athlete who actually needs that shit can't use it? Don't make no sense to me.
The problem is it creates an unnatural advantage for the people who use it, not every single person wants to use PEDs. However if they sign the contract knowing their opponent can use whatever they want, Pride style, and they still choose to compete.. that's on them.