General Trump not invited to Royal Wedding

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Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Splinty @Splinty flat out admitted he got my pm, he just did not want to respond, He said it on this thread.

I came here with good will and open arms, and I would like to stay here but I won't compromise integrity of what I am about, if people like splinty when to falsely paint me in a certain light, at the end of the day I know the truth and he knows the truth and he knows he is not fair at all, whether he admits it or not.
I know it was meant to be a joke about Splinty @Splinty
We all have opinions especially on the political world. If he was left leaning you’d be fine with him and I’d be the one a bit frustrated. I totally get it. The key to this site has always been being able to have thicker skin , while realizing the person on the other end(although someone you disagree with)is a good person. For the most part that is the case here. I got off to a bad start with kneeblock @Kneeblock a self admitted socialist, but after meeting him in person, realized he was as solid a person as I’ve ever met. I have no doubt it would be the same with you after seeing your mma takes. Just realize whether a mod or not(I was also one for about a year) that everyone gets frustrated and doesn’t always want to enter into a back and forth over a subject that will never be agreed upon. With all that said I hope you chose to stay around and get to know people for more then just political differences.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015

My friend, please listen closely, this has nothing to with political leanings, dont let splinty fool you about that.

This comes down to a few very simple things. He is a mod and did not even answer a very thougtful heartfelt pm by me, that he admitted he read.

He also came on the thread where the stalkers where in full effect, anyone wtih a brain could clearly see the first 3 instigating remarks where from them, so what does Splinty @Splinty do, he goes on the thread, instead of reply to my pm and completely 100% lied, I mean all the way lied about the timeline. I lost some respect for his character when did that.

Then any post by me more than a few sentences he would be snarky and say "did'nt read that".

Your post right now was pretty long, it took me all of 10 seconds to raead. you know why, becuase I am gonna reply to you the least I can do is give you the respect of reading what you wrote. Clearly to splinty he does not do this.

Nothing to do with political leanings man, everything to do wtih how he operates and unfairly deals with me.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015

My friend, please listen closely, this has nothing to with political leanings, dont let splinty fool you about that.

This comes down to a few very simple things. He is a mod and did not even answer a very thougtful heartfelt pm by me, that he admitted he read.

He also came on the thread where the stalkers where in full effect, anyone wtih a brain could clearly see the first 3 instigating remarks where from them, so what does Splinty @Splinty do, he goes on the thread, instead of reply to my pm and completely 100% lied, I mean all the way lied about the timeline. I lost some respect for his character when did that.

Then any post by me more than a few sentences he would be snarky and say "did'nt read that".

Your post right now was pretty long, it took me all of 10 seconds to raead. you know why, becuase I am gonna reply to you the least I can do is give you the respect of reading what you wrote. Clearly to splinty he does not do this.

Nothing to do with political leanings man, everything to do wtih how he operates and unfairly deals with me.
I don’t know all the history but heres two things I’d recommend
1- contact a different mod Leigh @Leigh or Wild @Wild or La Paix @BirdWatcher may be able to help with frustration. Again Splinty @Splinty is just a person and may be fed up with the situation. You can always message me as well if you have concerns. I believe I have a very good line of communication with the above mentioned and will always be willing to help.

2- learn to fucking quote:D


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
you literally have quotes from ellen degeneres and chelsea handler in there lol
He also apparently isn't aware that Amazon owns the Washington Post and that they're literally told what they are and aren't allowed to print.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
4 pages of this shit. I have way better things to do with my time.

No one provoke SensoriaUtopia @SensoriaUtopia. He bites back and that's hardly punishable. Then we get a shitted up thread.

SensoriaUtopia @SensoriaUtopia, stop derailing threads. Start your own threads to discuss the NRA or whatever else you want to argue about.

Ban hammer is coming down.

If you're agitated, look at this gif of cartoon boobs and relax.



First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
4 pages of this shit. I have way better things to do with my time.

No one provoke SensoriaUtopia @SensoriaUtopia. He bites back and that's hardly punishable. Then we get a shitted up thread.

SensoriaUtopia @SensoriaUtopia, stop derailing threads. Start your own threads to discuss the NRA or whatever else you want to argue about.

Ban hammer is coming down.

If you're agitated, look at this gif of cartoon boobs and relax.

I ain't derailing nothing. I am posting just like everyone else does.

I will do me, feel free for you all to do you.

Let's leave it at that, I won't change, especially when I am doing nothing wrong. I gladly admit when I am wrong, that happens from time to time, believe it or not. But this shit different.

So again, I will do me, you all do you and let the chips fall where they may.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
4 pages of this shit. I have way better things to do with my time.

No one provoke SensoriaUtopia @SensoriaUtopia. He bites back and that's hardly punishable. Then we get a shitted up thread.

SensoriaUtopia @SensoriaUtopia, stop derailing threads. Start your own threads to discuss the NRA or whatever else you want to argue about.

Ban hammer is coming down.

If you're agitated, look at this gif of cartoon boobs and relax.

are you ready for this afternoons fight thread Leigh @Leigh


kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Splinty @Splinty you sure you don't belong on the UG/OG, you sure seem to mod like them.

Full of bs, unfair and straight up biased as fuck. I am sure if I was a gun touting, Trump loving fool you would be slurping it up. Don't think I don't see what you are about.
I agree that truMp is far from the type of person that I'd want my nieces and nephews to look up to. Im not shocked at all that royalty is not including him. I sure as hell wouldn't and can't wait until the day I never her his name again. And I also think that all donors, including the NRA are BS.

But I can't agree with the aggression against ser splinty. Splinty is good people!


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Historically, you've demonstrated that this isn't the case.

LOL, I only been posting here for 3 weeks, you have not seen enough of me to know if that is true or not.

But many times on the UG I have admitted an error, or in real life etc...I readily man up, but I don't take kindly to being a fall guy when a mod wants to bs about shit.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I agree that truMp is far from the type of person that I'd want my nieces and nephews to look up to. Im not shocked at all that royalty is not including him. I sure as hell wouldn't and can't wait until the day I never her his name again. And I also think that all donors, including the NRA are BS.

But I can't agree with the aggression against ser splinty. Splinty is good people!

Trumps sucks and I can only go off how I been treated, and his treatment of me so far has been anything but good. Quite the opposite.


Jun 23, 2015
I ain't derailing nothing. I am posting just like everyone else does.

I will do me, feel free for you all to do you.

Let's leave it at that, I won't change, especially when I am doing nothing wrong. I gladly admit when I am wrong, that happens from time to time, believe it or not. But this shit different.

So again, I will do me, you all do you and let the chips fall where they may.
Quit with the double negatives. @conor mcgregor nut hugger - tell him off please.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Trumps sucks and I can only go off how I been treated, and his treatment of me so far has been anything but good. Quite the opposite.
the country is VERY divided in terms of politypical opinions. The only time I ever see keyboard warrioring on this website are in political threads

But I'm here for the mma stuff. So I do my best to stay clear if political stuff. Bc it's annoying when I see my friends (on both sides) saying stupid stuff like libtard this, trumptard that, but but but hillary, but but but obama, but but but bush, but but but trump

At the end of the day, if someone says something that you think is retarded or they offend you, you don't need to acknowledge them. The ignore feature works. Use it :)