Platinum Perry wants Cowboy Cerrone next

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Canis lupus familiaris
Jan 3, 2018
Presuming he beats Max Griffin tonight. Who'd you take in Perry vs. Cerrone? I'd favor Donald due to having a better gas tank and being a more dynamic striker -- he could wear Perry down with leg kicks and mixes the head and body kicks well with his punches. That said, Platinum could win it with a hook or an uppercut, of course.

“I actually got talked about with Yancy Medeiros right before Cowboy picked him up,” Perry said. “Cowboy got the veteran choice. He got to pick. Me or Yancy, I think it was something like that that went down. It was going to be on Orlando. I know Cowboy was, I wasn’t getting the Cowboy offer just yet, and they offered me Yancy, I was like that’s going to be awesome, then Cowboy stole him away from me.”

“Max (Griffin) is in for a rude awakening,” Perry said. “It’s not going to be what he wants it to be. This is a gift, but if they’re handing them out, it’s my fault. I had a top-10 fight. I had the opponent and now that I have cardio, I had none in the Ponzinibbio fight and I still gave him hell.”

After that? “Platinum” would like a piece of the Cowboy, and if he does, he’s not going to tolerate the type of in-fight bro hugs that went down at UFC Austin.

“Cerrone knocks him down and he gives him a hug and it’s cool,” Perry said. “It wouldn’t have been cool if he didn’t get the knockout in the first or the second, or the third, but he got the knockout in the first round. So it’s like, Yancy’s a nice guy and they were both fans of each other since they’ve been in the sport so long. We’re blessed to do this, its a great job, but c’mon man, it’s too much. I’m trying to hurt you. I’ll hug you when I pick you up after.”

Mike Perry wants a piece of Donald Cerrone after Max Griffin fight


TMMAC Addict
Jun 13, 2016
Donald by whatever he wanted. There is a gulf I'm class promotion alone cannot Viber


Jan 28, 2015
May have spoken a bit soon on that one.

For those that haven’t figured it out yet, always bet the opposite of what i say and you will make some $$$
Well actually you are not 100 percent wrong. Styles make fights and griffin moves more and better than cowboy. Cowboy has been known to get stuck trading shots and anyone who does that with Perry could be lights out.