Sweet WMMA head kick KO

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member 1013

Is the one girl all like I would has beats you if not got unconscioused

member 3289

How is the girl that got deaded arguing lol

Did she think it was stopped early?
She's saying she took the fight on short notice and that it was a fluke, and that the other girl would never beat her in a rematch bc the other girl is a garbage fighter

member 3289

They're still arguing Lol. Here it is for anyone who's interested, updated as of 15 mins ago


Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
"Are you her fat husband?"

"Too bad you don't remember it"

"You say it was mother vs daughter but I was the one who tucked YOU into bed :D"

lololol wtf

Yeah I don't get how this other chick is talking shit after getting slept.

member 3289

"Are you her fat husband?"

"Too bad you don't remember it"

"You say it was mother vs daughter but I was the one who tucked YOU into bed :D"

lololol wtf

Yeah I don't get how this other chick is talking shit after getting slept.
I liked how the girl who won said they could fight again and that her husband would kick the ass of the other girl's husband lol

Reminds me of arguments I had in pre-school about how my dad could kick the ass of everyone else's dad