General Thoughts on Infinity War? (SPOILERS!)

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Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015

Full disclosure I'm not a big superhero movie guy, never saw the first Avengers movie, haven't seen Captain America, Thor, the new Spiderman. Had no idea who Vision or the red haired chick were.

Thought it was pretty good. Thanos was one of the coolest villains I've seen in one of these movies.

I was surprised at what a fuckin loser they made the Incredible Hulk. It was basically watching a guy failing to achieve an erection for 2 hours. wtf? Got his ass kicked easily by Thanos and then mopes around like a dopey gay for the rest of the movie.

Now I have to catch up on all these hero movies.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Let's go agead and put this under
Ya goof

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Hahah I didn't think anyone who didn't see the movie/didn't care to be spoiled would click in here! But I amended with a big SPOILER

member 3289

Thor:Ragnarok showed us that Thor > Hulk (right @Lars Kind?) and stood the only chance of beating Thanos.

But I fucking hated the movie (Not gonna use spoiler tags bc the title of the thread says spoiler).

Killed off half the fucking marvel universe because they ran out of creativity. Yeah they're gonna bring them back but they ruined it for all future superhero movies.

Now anything a superhero movie does is gonna suck unless they kill off the heroes.

member 1013

Thor:Ragnarok showed us that Thor > Hulk (right @Lars Kind?) and stood the only chance of beating Thanos.

But I fucking hated the movie (Not gonna use spoiler tags bc the title of the thread says spoiler).

Killed off half the fucking marvel universe because they ran out of creativity. Yeah they're gonna bring them back but they ruined it for all future superhero movies.

Now anything a superhero movie does is gonna suck unless they kill off the heroes.
When Thor came to Wakanda doe amirite


Jun 23, 2015

Full disclosure I'm not a big superhero movie guy, never saw the first Avengers movie, haven't seen Captain America, Thor, the new Spiderman. Had no idea who Vision or the red haired chick were.

Thought it was pretty good. Thanos was one of the coolest villains I've seen in one of these movies.

I was surprised at what a fuckin loser they made the Incredible Hulk. It was basically watching a guy failing to achieve an erection for 2 hours. wtf? Got his ass kicked easily by Thanos and then mopes around like a dopey gay for the rest of the movie.

Now I have to catch up on all these hero movies.
Yeah I was a bit disappointed with Hulk not being able to get his green on. It was funny, but the Hulk Smash was really lacking.

This is definitely (imo) the best of the Marvel Universe that I've seen but if you enjoyed this you'd definitely like the other two Avengers movies and both the Guardians of The Galaxy films, Thor and Captain America. Can't speak for Dr Strange because I really wasn't interested.

member 1013

Yeah I was a bit disappointed with Hulk not being able to get his green on. It was funny, but the Hulk Smash was really lacking.

This is definitely (imo) the best of the Marvel Universe that I've seen but if you enjoyed this you'd definitely like the other two Avengers movies and both the Guardians of The Galaxy films, Thor and Captain America. Can't speak for Dr Strange because I really wasn't interested.
Thor’s the best