Society The War of 1812 (just FYI)

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member 3289

Canada didn't burn down the fucking White House. British soldiers burned down the White House and briefly occupied Washington D.C.

I know there are a lot of Trump supporters on here who are probably as uninformed about history as he is, so consider this a history lesson.

You're welcome.


too high to rigg
Oct 21, 2015
The real reason for the War of 1812 (US vs Brits) was about weed. -__-
,to gain access to Russian cannabis hemp. from 1740s, Russia produced 80% of the western world's Cannabis Hemp due to their cheap slave/ serf labor. Best quality hemp for sails, rope, rigging and nets.

British buys 90% of it's marine hemp from Russia, their world sea trade runs on Russian hemp; each British ship must replace 50 to 100 tons of hemp every two years or so. Cuz other materials for sails, rott quicker, maybe 3 months life span.

Also the main reason that Napoleon (US's 1812 ally) and his "Continental Systems" allies invaded Russia in 1812 is also about hemp.

British, fearing spread of French Revolution, blockades Napoleon's France, including Napoleon's allies on the Continent by closing it's English Channel and Atlantic ports (Bay of Biscay). Brits controlled all access to and from the Mediterranean and Atlantic.

US, neutral at the time, solely focused on solving their own foreign problems by sending navy and marines to the Mediterranean to stop Tripoli pirates and ransomers from collecting tribute from American Yankee traders operating in the area.

Napoleon needs more money for control of Europe so he sells Louisiana Territory to the US for 15mil and planted ideas of expanding US to it's utmost borders of North America: top of Canada to the bottom of Mexico, and from Atlantic to Pacific.

Brits continue to buy 90% of their hemp from Russia, Napoleon signs treaty with Russia to cut off all legal Russian/ Britain trade. Napoleon's plan was to stop Russian hemp from reaching England since without hemp, Brit's navy will be almost useless and eventually with no Russian hemp, Britain will be forced to end it's blockade of France and the Continent.

US Congress passes 1806 Non-Importation Pact and the Embargo Act: British articles which are produced in the US, but which could be produced elsewhere, are prohibited and American ships could not bring or carry products to or from Europe. These laws hurt America more than Europe.

Brits, after their Russian trade has been cut off, claims there are no neutral countries or shipping lanes, any ship that trades with Napoleon's "Continental System" of allies is the enemy and is subject to blockade. Brits confiscated US ships and cargo and sent sailors back to the US on their own expense. Some of the captured US traders were given deals, such as "either lose your ship and cargos forever, or go to Russia and secretly buy hemp for Britain, who will pay American traders with gold in advance, and more gold when the hemp is delivered back.

At the same time, US was allowed to keep and trade their own goods (rum, sugar, spices, cotton, coffee, tobacco) to the Czar for hemp - double profit for Americans.

so the US was faced with the choice of either running British blockades (risking ships, cargo, crew confiscated) or acting as secret (illegal) licensees for Britain, with safety and profits guaranteed, most chose the latter.

John Quincy Adams (6th US President) was American Consul at St.Petersburg in 1809 saw problems with illegally acquiring hemp for Britain and also that US also in huge demand for quality hemp and US passes the 1809 Non-Intercourse Act which resumes legal trade with Europe, except Britain and France.


too high to rigg
Oct 21, 2015
Napoleon gets mad and insists Russia to stop all trade with the independent US traders as they're being coerced into being illegal traders for Great Britain's hemp.

Russian Scar says "Nyet!" despite his treaty with France, and turns a blind eye to the illegal US traders, probably because he needs all the other shit the Americans are bringing him, well as the gold he is getting from the US (which are illegal purchases of hemp for Britain).

Napoleon's mad and invades Duchy of Warsaw. Napoleon tells Czar to stop trade with the US, Czar responds by withdrawing out of that one treaty where require him to stop selling goods to neutral US ships.

Napoleon furious with the Czar for allowing hemp to reach England builds his army and invades Russia, planning to punish the Czar and stop hemp from reaching the British Navy.

England, ally with Russia again, still stopping American ships from trading with the rest of the Continent. Brits also blockade US traders from Russia at the Baltic Sea and insists that American traders have to now secretly buy other strategic goods for them, specifically from Napoleon and his allies on the Continent, who are happy to sell anything to raise capital.

The United States, cut off from 80% of it's Russian hemp supply, debates war in Congress but the majority for war were western states. The rep of the maritime states, fearful of the loss of trade, argue against war, even though their shipping, crews, and states that are allegedly afflicted.

No one senator from maritime states votes for war with Great Britain, wheras all western senators vote for war, hoping to take Canada from Britain and fulfill their dream of expanding borders, but mistaken belief that Brits are too busy with European wars against Napoleon to protect Canada.

interesting fact: Kentucky, a big supporter of the war which disrupted the overseas hemp trade, was actively building up it's own domestic hemp industry.

1812, American ships could pick up hemp from Russia and return with it three times faster and cheaper than shippers could get hemp from Kentucky to East Coast over land.

The western states win in Congress, and on June 18, 1812, the US is at war with Britain.

US enters war along the side of Napoleon who marches on Moscow, but Napoleon soon defeated in Russia by the harsh winter, the Russian scorched earth polich, long story short, pretty much the same way Germans fuct up during ww2.

Brits, after initial success in war with the US (including the burning of Washington in retaliation for the earlier American burning of Toronto, then the colonial Canadian capitol, [ @conor mcgregor nut hugger is right]) finds its finances and military stretched thin (blockades, war in Spain n France, touch American Navy) agrees to peace, and signs a treaty with the US in December, 1814.

Britain agrees it will never interfere with American shipping and the US agrees to giving up all claims to Canada forever.

-all info from the chapter 11 of the book The Emperor Wears No Clothes, by Jack Herer (the involvement of the Rothschilds, Illuminati, stock market manipulations, etc hasn't been included)

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Canada didn't burn down the fucking White House. British soldiers burned down the White House and briefly occupied Washington D.C.

I know there are a lot of Trump supporters on here who are probably as uninformed about history as he is, so consider this a history lesson.

You're welcome.
What else did those 'British soldiers' do?


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I just realized I know nothing about Russia before the world wars. It's like my brain failed to acknowledge it even existed before then. I know nothing of thier history before then

member 3289

I just realized I know nothing about Russia before the world wars. It's like my brain failed to acknowledge it even existed before then. I know nothing of thier history before then
We paid them for Alaska in 1867 for $7.2 million.


Napoleon gets mad and insists Russia to stop all trade with the independent US traders as they're being coerced into being illegal traders for Great Britain's hemp.

Russian Scar says "Nyet!" despite his treaty with France, and turns a blind eye to the illegal US traders, probably because he needs all the other shit the Americans are bringing him, well as the gold he is getting from the US (which are illegal purchases of hemp for Britain).

Napoleon's mad and invades Duchy of Warsaw. Napoleon tells Czar to stop trade with the US, Czar responds by withdrawing out of that one treaty where require him to stop selling goods to neutral US ships.

Napoleon furious with the Czar for allowing hemp to reach England builds his army and invades Russia, planning to punish the Czar and stop hemp from reaching the British Navy.

England, ally with Russia again, still stopping American ships from trading with the rest of the Continent. Brits also blockade US traders from Russia at the Baltic Sea and insists that American traders have to now secretly buy other strategic goods for them, specifically from Napoleon and his allies on the Continent, who are happy to sell anything to raise capital.

The United States, cut off from 80% of it's Russian hemp supply, debates war in Congress but the majority for war were western states. The rep of the maritime states, fearful of the loss of trade, argue against war, even though their shipping, crews, and states that are allegedly afflicted.

No one senator from maritime states votes for war with Great Britain, wheras all western senators vote for war, hoping to take Canada from Britain and fulfill their dream of expanding borders, but mistaken belief that Brits are too busy with European wars against Napoleon to protect Canada.

interesting fact: Kentucky, a big supporter of the war which disrupted the overseas hemp trade, was actively building up it's own domestic hemp industry.

1812, American ships could pick up hemp from Russia and return with it three times faster and cheaper than shippers could get hemp from Kentucky to East Coast over land.

The western states win in Congress, and on June 18, 1812, the US is at war with Britain.

US enters war along the side of Napoleon who marches on Moscow, but Napoleon soon defeated in Russia by the harsh winter, the Russian scorched earth polich, long story short, pretty much the same way Germans fuct up during ww2.

Brits, after initial success in war with the US (including the burning of Washington in retaliation for the earlier American burning of Toronto, then the colonial Canadian capitol, [ @conor mcgregor nut hugger is right]) finds its finances and military stretched thin (blockades, war in Spain n France, touch American Navy) agrees to peace, and signs a treaty with the US in December, 1814.

Britain agrees it will never interfere with American shipping and the US agrees to giving up all claims to Canada forever.

-all info from the chapter 11 of the book The Emperor Wears No Clothes, by Jack Herer (the involvement of the Rothschilds, Illuminati, stock market manipulations, etc hasn't been included)
Fuckin Brits...

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
By that logic, the American forefathers who fought for independence weren't really American, because America did not legit exist as a country yet! So I guess the American Revolution was the British fighting the British... smh

Those awesome, brave men who whipped Americas ass and burned down the White House (which, lets face it, is the hardest you can possibly pwn a country), those were Canada's forefathers. Their lineage runs straight to the modern Canadian.

Get over yourselves and deal with it, Americans. The last time you guys got froggy we put you in your place, and we're more than willing to do it again.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
I just realized I know nothing about Russia before the world wars. It's like my brain failed to acknowledge it even existed before then. I know nothing of thier history before then


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
By that logic, the American forefathers who fought for independence weren't really American, because America did not legit exist as a country yet! So I guess the American Revolution was the British fighting the British... smh

Those awesome, brave men who whipped Americas ass and burned down the White House (which, lets face it, is the hardest you can possibly pwn a country), those were Canada's forefathers. Their lineage runs straight to the modern Canadian.

Get over yourselves and deal with it, Americans. The last time you guys got froggy we put you in your place, and we're more than willing to do it again.
That little part where you are from wasnt even Canada then, so by your own logic your like a tick on the ass of Canadian history. Save the drum beating for real Canadians that actually fought for the right to be stepped on by the Queen.

member 3289

By that logic, the American forefathers who fought for independence weren't really American, because America did not legit exist as a country yet! So I guess the American Revolution was the British fighting the British... smh

Those awesome, brave men who whipped Americas ass and burned down the White House (which, lets face it, is the hardest you can possibly pwn a country), those were Canada's forefathers. Their lineage runs straight to the modern Canadian.

Get over yourselves and deal with it, Americans. The last time you guys got froggy we put you in your place, and we're more than willing to do it again.
British soldiers who returned home after their tours ended. They didn't stay and become hockey players.

The British also stopped our advance into Canada and then took Detroit. They should have kept it.

We declared independence for our rights as Englishmen, but the fact that we declared it and later won it means we were independent since said declaration.

member 3289

No Canadian militiamen were involved in the repulsion of our advance into Canada or the subsequent capture of Detroit by British forces.

The brave men who fought for (and won) our independence fought under the American flag, the same flag used today just with fewer stars because we hadn't yet become the imperialist empire that we are today.