Einstein Was Right Bitches...

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Nov 21, 2015
Einstein Was Right! Scientists Confirm General Relativity Works With Distant Galaxy

Scientists Confirm General Relativity Works With Distant Galaxy
A new study validates Einstein's theory of general relativity in a distant galaxy for the first time.
This study supports our current understanding of gravity and provides more evidence for the existence of dark matter and dark energy — two mysterious concepts that scientists know about only indirectly by observing their effects on cosmic objects.
Nov 21, 2015
Oh I thought you were going to post something else

Einstein's travel diaries reveal 'shocking' xenophobia
Einstein wasn't a particularly virtuous person. I've studied him and his work extensively.

He was also a Pimp... There are diaries of him drawing up contracts with his wife
that essentially stated that she would shut her mouth, stay in the opposite wing of the house
so he could have more time with his girlfriend and also documented the specific times of the
day his wife had to bring him lunch and sandwiches.

I'd like to keep my science threads to science though.

I do Astronomy because it gives me perspective and gets me away from
all the negative shit in humanity. Not to delve into more. I can get that just in daily life
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Merkin' fools since pre-school
Apr 25, 2015
Einstein wasn't a particularly virtuous person. I've studied him and his work extensively.

He was also a Pimp... There are diaries of him drawing up contracts with his wife
that essentially stated that she would shut her mouth, stay in the opposite wing of the house
so he could have more time with his girlfriend and also documented the specific times of the
day his wife had to bring him lunch and sandwiches.

I'd like to keep my science threads to science though.

I do Astronomy because it gives me perspective and gets me away from
all the negative shit in humanity. Not to delve into more. I can get that just in daily life
Nothing wrong with that.