what does "IM figuring this the fuck out and then coming home!!" mean
The worst nightmare a cave diver can ever have. Losing your line out of the cave
and losing your buddy. It happens so often cave divers do not live long. Its the most
wreckless and stupid area of diving.
"Figuring it out" means he lost his line and way out of the cave. Its fucking terrifying.
Imagine being lost in a maze and its pitch black. Thats scary enough. Now imagine the
same scenario and you're beneath tons of rock and underwater and oh yeah... now you're
scared and breathing heavy and burning your limited oxygen supply even faster
In my younger days I was a commercial diver and even commercial divers have longer
life spans then fucking cave divers. The best in the world were guys like Wes Skiles
yes "were"... because he fucking died too. I grew up watching him and he was the Michael Jordan
of cave divers and even he couldn't avoid the inevitable.
Oddly though Wes didn't die in a cave... He died because of a malfunctioning "Rebreather"
which is a special tank for extreme diving
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_r9F5MJuTc