I agree his public service record should be taken into account.
I agree it could appear questionable it took 36 years for this to come to light.
But from what I have read in the media, the accused didnt seek out the spotlight and took steps to remain anonymous. Unless this lady is a total political nut job, I dont see what she has to gain from making these claims.
Lets also acknowledge, it is not out of the norm for someone to wait decades before disclosing sexual abuse or assaults.
And again, she passed a lie detector test and can corroborate her story via notes from counseling sessions provided by her therapist.
the lie detector is meaningless, unless it's administered by Kavanaugh's legal team, in which case it's only slightly less meaningless. I can't over-state that enough. Lie Detectors do not work, by any empirical standard of measurement. They're basically the same as drug dogs.
The therapists notes are completely ambiguous, the only tie-in between that session and Kavanaugh is the accuser's husband. He claims to remember his wife naming Kavanaugh. He also claims to remember her expressing concern that Kavanaugh, who at the time was one of 39 US Circuit judges, might someday ascend to the SCOTUS. That seems pretty far-fetched to me, and in my mind lowers my confidence in the preceding statement. Also, why wouldn't the therapist write down the name of the attacker? It seems like names/dates/locations would be things a therapist would naturally write down when discussing a trauma so impactful that the patient was experiencing repercussions decades later.
She didn't "seek out the spotlight", but she did grab the first opportunity to jump in to it. A reporter from Buzzfeed shows up and asks questions, do you step outside and say "Got me! Guess there's no hiding now" or do you deny and disappear? assuming you want anonymity.
I think that the person who looks the worst in this is Feinstein. She's proving again how completely out of touch she is with the modern world, and how unimportant it is to act with integrity in the US Senate. Worst yet, the Democratic party is coming off as partisan hacks, and I think Kamala Harris (the future of the Dem power structure) is going to come out of this much worse for the wear.