General Secret Santa 2018

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La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
The time has come for TMMACs fourth annual Secret Santa!

Been busy so this is a cut and paste from last year for the most part.

The last three years were pretty fun with about 25 people joining in so I'm hoping for some more participation this time round. See details below if you're not familiar.

Members who want in need to PM me their full name and mailing address, I'll be updating how many people we have as it goes.

The same members who PM me need to then post in this thread some details on themselves to give others an idea of what they can get you. Please provide things like clothing sizes such as L/XL shirt, 34 waist shorts or 7 5/8 profit cap and so on. If clothing isn't on your wanted list then suggest anything that may interest you. If you like the idea of total surprise then just say so instead of making it seem like you forgot details please. For now I'll suggest that we make a price point of $30. Last one I was involved was set there too which seemed fine. There were instances were some decided to go over and that's totally up to the purchaser.

I'll be matching up members with each other and would like to have all the entries in by November 25th so I can PM the pairs out ASAP so hopefully gifts can be bought and sent out by December 1st and arrive before the 25th.

So in point form.

PM me your full name and mailing address by Nov. 15th

Post in this thread items you'd like and include details like sizes if applicable

Once I PM you the person to buy for try to get item sent before Dec. 1st to avoid busy mailing season and so members can send out thank yous or whatever without inturupting thier own personal plan during the holidays.



Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Same info as last year.
Count me in.

Send me whatever. I'm easy.

Deleted member 1

I'm in.

I like local things from your area. Nothing pricey needed. If you're out of the USA, I love candies I can't get here.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Don't you save all our info Sgt. Birdwatcher?
I got satellite images of your house for crise sake.


Putin is gay
Apr 24, 2015
I'm in. I think everyone knows what I like, but in case it's pertinent: I'm an L in shirts and asses.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
I'm in.

I like local things from your area. Nothing pricey needed. If you're out of the USA, I love candies I can't get here.
tough to get candles that smell like a Thai boy's asshole here in the states these days.

Fucking tariffs started a trade war, and we're paying the price.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2017
I'm in again. My only request is NOT clothes. Getting anything decent in my size usually isn't possible. Other than that, I don't mind.

@Miesha's Taint if you want to re-send the gift that would be nice. I'd get a double Christmas this year! Being in Thailand I will be working Christmas Day as if it were a normal day, so all gifts are gratefully received. I'll message you my current address.


I'm in again. My only request is NOT clothes. Getting anything decent in my size usually isn't possible. Other than that, I don't mind.

@Miesha's Taint if you want to re-send the gift that would be nice. I'd get a double Christmas this year! Being in Thailand I will be working Christmas Day as if it were a normal day, so all gifts are gratefully received. I'll message you my current address.
Responded brother. Will resend.


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
Medium shirt
Medium hat
34 waist
Yankees fan, mma fan, bjj fan, boxing fan, beer fan, Seattle cyclist, outdoorsy, I like food.


Feb 2, 2016
I'm in again. Always a good time.

I like bourbon, cooking, nerd shit. I'm a large shirt and an xl hat. But am down for whatever as I'm not picky.

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
I’m in, but only because there’s a chance I could get @KhabibsConorsDaddy ’s home mailing address out of this.
‘Merry Christmas, here’s an envelope full of Anthrax you sloppy bitch!’

member 3289

Also, I'm in.

My shirt size is XL.

No thick/heavy clothing please because I live in Florida and it's hot as fuck here.
