Confusing signs

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My member is more well known than yours
Jun 25, 2015
Picture doesn't work.
Apparently I can't upload a photo from my phone bigger than 1mb.
Then tried imgur link instead after uploading it there.

Both failed so I gave up.
Some beers may have influenced my intellect tonight.
It was a good pic though.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Apparently I can't upload a photo from my phone bigger than 1mb.
Then tried imgur link instead after uploading it there.

Both failed so I gave up.
Some beers may have influenced my intellect tonight.
It was a good pic though.

You used to wrong the link. You need right click on the image at imgur and click view image and then use that url.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Apparently I can't upload a photo from my phone bigger than 1mb.
Then tried imgur link instead after uploading it there.

Both failed so I gave up.
Some beers may have influenced my intellect tonight.
It was a good pic though.