So... maybe the cops who said he
didn't stage it should
also go to jail for lying about his lying ass? Maybe they can share a jail cell.
Seems only fair.
Lesson of the story - don't believe the cops. Ironically the one time I do, is when they lied about a liar.
They try to only release information strategically. They sometimes leave out details so they can verify claims from actual victims or witnesses. Some info leaked and they tried to cover it up. Guys like you ate up the "homophobic conspiracy" and rallied to his side like a homosexual PC white knight
Reality is that he tried to pull a false flag attack to benefit either himself or some cause. This is like a girl screaming rape and pulling race and politics in with it. So technically its worse.
Id like to see him kicked out of the entertainment buisness.
He should be fined and made pay for the entire investigation.
Forced to apologize to everyone who stood up for him and to everyone who owns a maga hat.
Finally he should be court ordered into a mental health facility