Society The Donald J. Trump Show - 4 more years editions

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Oct 24, 2015
Lol at the meltdown here.
Funny how you tried to judge me by that comment and lump me right up into something. Ah the left.
Lol then lumps him up as left.
Late term abortion- holy shit
Free college- Nothing is free
Free healthcare- Nothing is free
Stop farting cows- WTF
No air travel-WTF
Ban Guns-WTF
No border security- WTF
less beds in detention centers- WTF
Socialism-Holy hell
Tax 70 percent- Wow
Put more regulations on businesses- That worked well
Give jobs away- They did that and that is how china blew up and Trump is trying to fix it
Natural energy- We saw how that went with obama
Hamstring military- Trump fixed that

Sad thing is there is more. The really funny thing with libs these days is they think we love Trump like he is this pure natural soul who we all want to emulate lol. The fact is he is the loud mouth, pussy grabbing, non pc guy who is trying to clean up all this mess and whether i like him or not is totally irrelevant but totally relevant to you guys. Its the same with athletes do you think i give a fuck if an athlete i like is a scumbag in his personal life? NO! I dont give a fuck if my president gets blowjobs in the oval office in fact in the 90s we LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You fun loving liberals are so caught up in your hate for a man you let it cloud your better judgement and what is best for the country some of us live in.


Jan 28, 2015
Lol at the meltdown here.

Lol then lumps him up as left.

I am being trolled right now right lol. So you’re telling me that him calling me a racist just for supporting our president is the same as me putting him on the left clearly based on his comments? Lol. When did I say anything that would ever imply I’m racist, and I mean ever on this forum that would make his point?
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Oct 24, 2015
I am being trolled right now right lol. So you’re telling me that him calling me a racist just for supporting our president is the same as me putting him on the left clearly based on his comments? Lol. When did I say anything that would ever imply I’m racist, and I mean ever on this forum that would make his point?
No one was calling you a racist
Terribly shocking, I mean Trump saying that stuff, wow I honestly wouldve never guessed.
You said this, I understand sarcastically trying to be funny and he replies to your post.
Interesting. The game most Trump supporters play is to pretend that he is not an outright racist, even though they know that he is, rather than just admit it. Your honesty is refreshing.

Do you identify openly as a White Nationalist or Supremacist?
And you replied
Ha! Yeah me racist that is funny, and you taking that from what i said is very liberal of you lol. Funny how you tried to judge me by that comment and lump me right up into something. Ah the left.
Lumped yourself in as a racist.
I love this thread. Everyone defending their favorite criminals. MAGA!


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
They’re all crooks and liars in one form or fashion. They don’t get to the position they’re in, and hold office, without lying their asses off and committing some sort of fraud along the way. Obama took God knows how many millions in private envelopes from corporations needing a favor, lied to the American people for 8 years, and used the CIA to spy on the Trump campaign. Both Bush’ have more blood on their hands than any of care to imagine. And let’s not even get started on the Clintons.

So why all of the sudden hand wringing outrage about Trump? Because he’s arrogant, tans, tweets, stands up to the media, and isn’t politically correct all of the time? So what. As long as he keeps us out of war, keeps the economy strong, keeps incentivizing companies to come back to the US and creating jobs for our people, tries to better support the inner cities, helps the energy sector by lowering regulations, lowers taxes, and continues to push for border security....that’s all any of us should give a damn about. And by all indications, he’s doing all of these things.