but, if you use epo your retic's are gonna go up (immature blood cells) and that is going to show up in the biological passport, so then usada are going to target you anyway.
EPO is notoriously hard to detect because if you microdose late at night its basically out of your system by the morning. So if you are smart, you dont get caught.
Any sample collected after say 8am, its a waste of time even analysing it for epo.
But.. if an athletes bio passport starts showing increased Hb volume, increased or abnormal retics, thats a sign they are using EPO.
So then you target them, either very very late at night, like 1 minute before the 11pm window when they have just injected, or like they may have done to TJ, post weigh in. (its entirely possible they did TJ late at night. he might have thought he was in the clear until fight time)