NoobThere's a reason is says pugb champ under my name.
I worked hard for that shit and I don't take kindly to people trying to take it
If you wanna talk to the champ you have to tag himNoob
I made this thread before you even had a username picked out!
Well how about I justshoot all you pussies instead.Jdog knows some of my secrets. If I can trust you, we could maybe all 3 have some fun games killing people/squads when squads have no idea where we're at until it's too late.
Scroll back a page or two junior, I use my team as shark bait. They slow me down. It's better if they just let me kill everyoneI don't think you know how pubg works fella, its a team game , or a random solo match.
As far as I know you can't play death match, unless you can do a private game on the test map.
Ahhh , so we join up and team kill each other, you want a game of death match on easy mode.Scroll back a page or two junior, I use my team as shark bait. They slow me down. It's better if they just let me kill everyone
Ahhh , so we join up and team kill each other, you want a game of death match on easy mode.
It comes from a lack of ability to pick up chicks, you channeled your pathetic frustration into video games. Good way to use your shortcummings in life as your strength.I think it's a cross between my phone's super RAM and my brains ability to takedown targets instantly.
Must be all them years playing counterstrike
Maybe I'll see you in another thread you can shit on games or maybe a thread where you post about games you like. I'm sure you're done posting on this one.Its basically a game of who can wrestle the shit control scheme into a servicable aim and not stand out like a sore thumb while you are at it.
90% of the people playing it are shite.
Maybe I'll see you in another thread you can shit on games or maybe a thread where you post about games you like. I'm sure you're done posting on this one.
Song, what ranking tiers did you end up with last season? Do you play on all modes or just one? tpp or fpp?
solo, duos, squads?