UK Politics just got interesting..

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Team Bisping

TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Hey Team Bisping @Gilbosh is there an anti immigrant/Muslim thing going on in the UK? There's some thread debating it and you're smarter than that op
As with all these debates, it depends on what side on the debate you prefer. There are many within the hard right machine such as UKIP supporters and hard-line tories who believe immigrants are an issue for security such as jobs, defence etc. Unfortunately the most read paper in the UK is the daily mail, who for me personally are a disgusting journalistic joke.

Due to the current conservative cuts, the current economic climate is horrendous (unless your a business). The welfare system is being hit hard, Thousands of vunerable people are having to go to court to overturn cuts to their disability claims due to incompetent management from by the government and ATOS ( the private company employed to manage the system).

There is strong anti-muslim agenda found in hard right political groups, and as with anything which relies on fear, disenfranchised citizens look to blame the fellow man rather than the system. The UK media is extremely partisan, and many rely on 'click-bait' articles such as the Daily Mail.

UKIP and to a lesser extent groups such as EDL (English defence league) have galvanised many unhappy working class people as it gives them an outlet, an excuse for why the system is failing them. It's an old tired argument used by many most defunct groups in the past such as the national front & BNP.

The UK similar to the USA, has been dominated by 2 political parties. The Conversatives and Labour. Traditionally, Labour were a left leaning, socialist democratic party for the working people, but the rise of Tony Blair and "New Labour" watered this down to a point where Labour become more Conservative-light.

The political spectrum of the UK is changing, the Scottish people voted in records numbers against the Conversatives and most of the Scottish MP's are members of the Scottish National Party. A left leaning anti-austerity party. The Green party of the UK has also seen record numbers of new members. Again a left leaning anti-austerity party. The election of socialist Jeremy Corbyn has taken Labour from the centre back to the left. New labour is dead, the blairite supporters / MP's are resigning and unhappy.

All this means that the population is finally seeing through the bullshit fed daily by the UK media.

Anyways, back to the immigration "issue". It's a hard one, because I find it hard to have an honest intellectual debate with anyone who believe "immigrants are taking all our jobs", this is not the case, the NHS would collapse without hard working immigrants. Many papers in the UK have desensitised to the point that fellow humans looking for a better life are nothing more than an inconvenience, it's a disgusting rhetoric.

Team Bisping

TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Disclaimer: I'm a computer scientist not a political scientist. All views though strong are my own haha.

P.s. Fuck the tories.


You're all on steroids.
May 14, 2015
Ah, the Daily Fail and their incoherent mix of racism, poor-hating, and red menace propaganda with slavering celebrity worship.

Anyway, I hope new new Labour represents a recalibrating of the political spectrum to what Left signifies. I'm not British, I'm Canadian, but we have a similar shift right here with our Liberal party.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Finally the Labour party are back, years of new labour 'torie light' is banished....In comes a man who understands the value and the core ideals of the Labour party.


It's a great week for UK Politics, the "all powerful" media could do nothing, Labour members and the wider public saw right through their bullshit propaganda.
I like him, except his position on nukes, we should not scrap our own nuke program.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
I disagree. Corbyn is a fruit loop and a bit of a fascist. Labour are a horrible party, with a history of sabotaging the UK economy and they basically run on the basis of "Tories are evil!"

The UK does not have a credible progressive party, although our Tories are more liberal than they are given credit for. The Conservatives have been tight on austerity but they got our economy back on track.

Cameron is an arsehole but he's the best of a bad bunch.