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el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Back in the 90s I was in to shows like Uncle Tupelo, Blue Mountain, etc., and the Blue Shadows would’ve fit right into that. However, a bar called “The Rusty Gull” would have given me reservations lol. It’s a suggestive name full of innuendo :D

Kind of like the Blue Oyster in the Police Academy movie haha.
Haha, the Gull is a stones throw from Burrard inlet on second street in North Van. I was living on fourth back then so it was a short walk down there for me and The Blue Shadows were sort of the house band for a while. A lot of the watering holes around there have sea related names like Sailor Hagar's etc. The one here in Horseshoe Bay is called The Troller (lol). That's the place that had the karaoke before it moved down the street by the ferry dock and became more of a sports bar with big glass windows (yuck).

By the way, Billy Cowsill became a drug addict in our drug addled fair port city here, was rescued by Jann Arden and went to live in Calgary with her and other local artists there bur died anyway, sadly. This place is drowning in fentanyl and other assorted garbage.