The biggest celebration for the tribe is that of Prince Philip's birthday. They believe that he will return to Tanna on his birthday, and so every year they throw a celebration in hopes he will arrive. He traveled to England to keep their culture alive, they argue, and someday he will return with the wealth he has gained. They prepare the annual feast and also have ceremonial dances. They prepare a ceremonial drink called kava, made from the roots of the pepper tree. While they wait, they gather around a fire and tell stories of Prince Philip's exploits, including his journey across the ocean and his marrying of the most powerful woman in the world. They believe he is responsible for many world events- for instance, they claimed that it was his use of magic that ensured America's election of Barack Obama as president.
Aside from the ceremony, their worship of Prince Philip is kept a relatively private manner. Although there are photos and biographies of Philip throughout the village, most notably in a small shrine of Philip memorabilia they have gathered over the years, they usually worship by individually and quietly praying to a photo of the Duke. They also have a Union flag raised in the center of their village.