General Tulsi gabbard new ad is fire

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Trump has seutp his entire middle east policy on a strong MBS. There's no backup plan.
Saudi, Israel, Syria, Iran Isolation is all linked.

But I agree with Tulsi. Saudi isn't our friend and they aren't the attack dog we can control for greater means.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
After 9/11, it's dozen+ Saudi national terrorists, blaming a guy previously employed by the CIA named Osama Bin Laden, ruling the FCC must air pro-Saudi tourism commercials, and installing the next President BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA after 43 consecutive White Presidents and "We will never Forget" bumper stickers on 10 million bumpers, is there really any question as to who is in charge?
The house of Saud has foundational investments in our stock market; they could crash our economy in minutes without a single plane, and the U.S. gov't. non-colluders knew that after 9/11.

Make no mistake, there's a LOT Tulsi doesn't know, which is exactly why she doesn't have a prayer in this race, Christian Muslim or otherwise.
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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
She’s going after Hillary. Better be on suicide watch.


Nov 15, 2015
That gets me all fapped and bothered......

(And yes, Saudi Arabia is the world's enemy).


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard's Statement on Mauna Kea

While the legal process has determined that TMT may proceed, there are spiritual and cultural issues that have not been addressed. This is about something much greater than the TMT project — it has to do with longstanding history on Mauna Kea, broken promises, desecration of sacred land and disrespect for native culture.

To many Native Hawaiians, kamaʻāina, and malihini alike, Mauna Kea is so much more than a mountain. It's a revered and sacred sanctuary connecting keiki and kupuna to the past, present and future, and where Native Hawaiians practice their customs and traditions.

A week after construction was scheduled to resume on a long-delayed $1.4 billion telescope at the summit of Mauna Kea—a dormant volcano on Hawaii's Big Island—thousands of Native Hawaiians who consider the mountain sacred continued to protest the planned observatory.



Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
I've been saying this for ages. If you want to run an effective 'outsider' campaign, going after the Saudis is one of your best options. The right and left general population both hate them.

It's also a great issue to hammer Trump over. It won't succeed in converting evangelicals (i.e retards) to Democrats, but it will convince some to stay home on election day.


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
I've been saying this for ages. If you want to run an effective 'outsider' campaign, going after the Saudis is one of your best options. The right and left general population both hate them.

It's also a great issue to hammer Trump over. It won't succeed in converting evangelicals (i.e retards) to Democrats, but it will convince some to stay home on election day.
By election day she will have tucked and become irrelevant again. She will endorse who they tell her to endorse