Tell him to stop dick tucking so furiously and come back then.
I was made aware of your comments by a few reputable members. I can say without hesitation that you of all people didn't chase me off. I put your whore ass on blast and the heirchy of the site decided to pink me, then a few forum members decided to be white knights (how are you all feeling now? Worth it?), so I decided my time here was not worth it. Now here you are showing your true self once again and it's going over rather well. I'm sure you're earning yourself some fans. I will be brief in my post from here on out. You whore yourself out, or at least attempted to so with 5 (+/-) forum members within a short period of time, simultaneously. My understanding is that I am not the only only one who rejected your advances, however, there is one forum member who did not, so good on you, amd good on him. I hope the two of you move in together and raise a healthy litter. I was also made aware of your health problems, and those were unfortunate, but they were no reason to treat you differently (got that white knights? She's a shitty person as you can see.). Apparently the disease in your bad teeth and gums traveled down to your nasty, saggy, empty tits. Shit happens. Moral of the story is, brush your teeth kids.