Wait, are you one of thoe English people that pretends they're good at soccer?For sure.
.you can't accept that
Wait, are you one of thoe English people that pretends they're good at soccer?For sure.
.you can't accept that
wrong againStill got the first down on 3rd and long, bruh
Brave call that paid offOH SHIT THEY'RE GOING FOR IT
They're doing a performance to demonstrat female empowerment and multiculturalism, so I'm sure you're all in for a real treat.
I know. It's consistenly being made to feel inadequate, isn't it?I don't particularly like you.
Solid 1 yard run.I don't know how Mahomes is doing this. He's not a runner...
Vince MacMahon sued him and the UFC for plagiarism.how come nobody does the conor walk anymore? was it all the raping he was doing or just getting his ass beat?
U tell him @zefh@haulier super brain hows those no runs from mahomes now huh?
not bad. it would be 54-26 i already if this was the grey cup thoughFuckin good game so far