Society Coronapocalypse USA decimation running death count

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Deleted member 1

also the 2000 dead ppl in the entire country

anyway thanks for calling me dumb . much appreciated. ill wade back through the bodies and sit down

I mean you're calling the rest of us dumb with this thread. Sooooo....

Just tell me how many people will need to die from covid19 for it to be something worth a public response. You don't think it is right now. But how many people will die and you think okay maybe I was wrong... Maybe this thing is kind of a big deal?


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I mean you're calling the rest of us dumb with this thread. Sooooo....

Just tell me how many people will need to die from covid19 for it to be something worth a public response. You don't think it is right now. But how many people will die and you think okay maybe I was wrong... Maybe this thing is kind of a big deal?
I don't think he knows how many coronaviruses there are....

Deleted member 1

I don't think he knows how many coronaviruses there are....
Lets stay focused.
All of us have said it's a big deal now. That's our line. We have put our word on it.
OP says its not. But has no limit.
So I just want him to put the line out there where he isn't just being a contrarian.
Man up.

I've even said, 100k dead americans in 18 months. MUCH more than that globally as India, pakistan, bangladesh, etc get wrecked.

Then if we cross that line soon, he is wrong to make fun of us.
If we don't cross it this year, he can parade all over our shit for being chicken littles.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
The risk of wearing a mask has been clearly explained to you. There's not enough to go around. We need them for medical staff, vulnerable people and people who are already sick.

Once we have an abundance of masks, sure, it's probably a good idea. But that's not the reality we face right now.
And when these masks are available for everyone, people wont wear them because they've already been told they don't help. Testing and masks work, as long as all of us have access to them.

Inguess its easier to write Americans a check than to provide them with a mask?

Eric Trump

Nov 21, 2017
where I live we have just over 200 infected and zero deaths. But the government has been doing its best for a while now from keeping us living our lives


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
10 dead in the Lynn Valley care home in my region of Vancouver on the North Shore last I checked.

That's real enough for me.

Deleted member 1

10 dead in the Lynn Valley care home in my region of Vancouver on the North Shore last I checked.

That's real enough for me.
Excuse me sir I'd like to post some stats about car wrecks while hemming and hawing whether I really mean to minimize the threat of this pandemic.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
For every mask I don't wear that's one that someone who's high risk can have. Seems relevant to me.
Absolutely. But we shouldn't have been in this situation to begin with. Masks for everybody, and mass testing is what will help lower the curve. And only if everybody participates. But the mask shortage, that is on the government.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
These motherfuckers have been on the ball since day one. We are just learning. CDC is demonizing masks to hide their failure to provide masks to begin with.