Read this. This guy is a moron and it's who the Trump administration is looking to.
His quote sidestepping a direct question about saying there wouldn't be more than a certain number of deaths followed by that completely being wrong immediately. Then refusing to give a new line of the sand for fear of being wrong again.
First of all, let me just say I wrote an amendment to that, the thing I regret most in that whole paper. But I was not so much interested in explaining why my number was right. I was interested in explaining why the other projections were wrong.
Guy totally bombs out his number and then bitches out on an estimate that would prove him wrong.
It's super easy to be a contrarian. Oh look all of you guys are wrong I'm not so interested in being right I just want to show you why you're so wrong.
every single model still thinks we will system overrun and we need three to four weeks shut down. whining about whether we could peak out at 2 million or 4 million or 1 million dead doesn't really matter since the solution ends up being just the same.
Then there are arguments on the back end. How do we taper and things like that. Those are all pretty valid.
Then there's the lazy guys like this. Hi I'm just jumping in to tell everybody that it's not going to be 1 million or 2 million or 4 million. Total red herring since interventions already underway to prevent that from happening.
The pure lazy stupidity and disingenuity for self-promotion pisses me off more than anything. Because at the end of the day it will trickle down as people say hey look here's this guy being printed and published that thinks the experts are all wrong. Then when we intervened some will latch to him. but also you realize from social media that nobody ever reads the article. No one reads his modeling or his quotes. They just see the headlines and how he called everybody wrong. Then one million never happens. And he gets to be right regardless. Even when he's wrong the guy is sitting there changing the goal posts in that very interview. Just a total narcissist.