Jesus, I don't know how I would handle that
Well, his son, my cousin, died of brain cancer last year.
We all grew up together, very close. HIS brother(my other cousin), didn't even show up to THAT funeral, last I saw him briefly at his father's funeral, 2 months after I kicked him out of my house.
That happened because he was an opioid addict, I got him clean after a few broken mirrors, but he turned RIGHT back around after 7 days of hell.
With our patriarch dead, the only cousin that was worth anything dead, I'm left with remainder who are illogical.
This guy Chris Martenson who founded Peak Prosperity said something during the plandemic that stuck with me, & I changed my life around it.
"There's your logical family, your biological family, and your illogical family."
Go where you're treated best"
Nomad Capitalist
There is no remaining reason to talk to that side of the family anymore.
They are "deep blue", innept, or illogical.
I'm going to have to work on my anger & resentment so that I remain both logical and forgiving, yet distant.
I moved 2300 miles away from all my family & started over, because they are all biological, but totally illogical.